Summer 2024 Schedule

Advanced Software Engineering does not have a typical class schedule. Instead, this course consists of:

  • Activities done with the entire class. These are required. The class will meet in person in CTLM 102.
  • Activities done in team subgroups.
  • Team activities, with or without your advisor.

You must monitor this schedule closely, to ensure you and your team meet all the course deadlines and requirements. Forgetting to read the schedule is not an excuse for missing an assignment.

Quick Schedule Overview

Sprint Dates Whole class Meetings Subgroups Documents/Tasks
1 May 13 - May 19 05/13 9am SHARP!
Course kickoff!
05/14 9am SHARP!
Guest Speaker (WWT)
  Team contract
Requirements document
2 May 20 - May 26 05/20 9am SHARP!
Architecture and Design / Software Engineering Ethics
05/22 9am SHARP!
Guest Speaker (BPX)
  Design document
Peer Evaluation
(Open 5/24-5/30)
3 May 27 - June 2 05/28 (Note Tuesday!)
Quality Assurance and Testing
Guest Speaker (Salesforce)
  Ethics paraphrase
Software Test and Quality document
May 30 - May 31 Design Proposal
4 June 3 - June 9 6/3
Release and Delivery
Guest Speaker (Google)
  Results document
June 6 - June 7 Project Quality &
Ethical Practices
5 June 10 - June 16 6/10
Finishing Strong
  Final Report review
Final reports
Individual personal reflection
Peer evaluation
(Open 6/7 - 6/13)
June 13 - June 14 Final presentations
Final presentation schedule


In general, students should plan to work at least 20 hours per week as a team (and 32-36 overall).

“I don't care if it works on your machine!
We are not shipping your machine!” - Vidiu Platon