Sprint 2 Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker

When: Wednesday, May 22, 9:00 am. Don't be late!

Where: CTLM 102. All full-class meetings will be in this room.

What: Matthew McElhaney and Mike Buckner from BPX will present a talk about system architecture.

Matthew McElhaney

Matthew McElhaney is the Data Science and Digital Solutions Manager at bpx. He oversees custom software, reporting, geospatial, and data science platforms and initiatives at bpx. Matt has ten years of experience in the energy industry with roles focusing on operations, innovation, data science, and information technology. Prior to joining industry he served five years an infantry officer in the United States Army. Matt has a BS in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh, an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, a MS in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M, and a MS in Information and Data Science from UC Berkeley.

Mike Buckner

Mike Buckner is the Senior Software Engineering Platform Owner at bpx. He comes from a background of software development in the natural gas industry, monitoring methane emissions. In his role he creates standards for software development, enables enforcement of code quality through CI pipelines, and focuses on seamless high availability deployments. Mike has a BS in Chemical Engineering from Colorado State University.

“There are only two industries that refer to their customers as 'users'.” - Edward Tufte