Sprint 3 Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
When: Wednesday, September 25, 8:00 am. Don't be late!
Where: Green Center, Metals Hall. All full-class meetings will be in this room.
What: Melissa Faith Hart, Rita Smith, and George Brauchler from eBodyGuard will present the talk "The Ethics of Digital Evidence in the Courtroom: the Pros and Cons of Innovation and Our Legal System".

Melissa Faith Hart is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of eBodyGuard. She created the eBodyGuard personal safety, evidence, and wellness technology with its eBodyGuard Safety Card and eBodyCam, which are available in the App Store and Google Play. These are key components of the vendor-agnostic eBodyGuard Smart Discovery Platform, which integrates discovery both within and outside of criminal justice IT systems. Her 20 years of experience working with law enforcement and District Attorneys led to the first criminal eDiscovery system in the nation.
Melissa spent 17 years in corporate America, mostly with Xerox. She later served on the Pink Tax on Mobility initiative, sponsored by New York University, investigating the reasons why women pay more for transportation than men. She is working with NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) to improve the efficiency and passenger safety of transit systems.
Using her certifications in Six Sigma Business processes as a core principle of solving business problems, Melissa focused deeply to understand the criminal justice system. She brought in experts from Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) to help improve this very burdened and siloed process. She later became the executive director of the program supporting the process of automating criminal discovery, integrating 363 law enforcement agencies to expedite the passing of evidence within 72 hours.
Melissa believes personal safety is a primal right, and has invested decades in learning the cultures and the technologies of these systems. She remains determined to help transform systems to better support our communities.

Rita Smith is an International Expert on Violence Against Women. Rita began working as a crisis line advocate in a shelter for battered women and their children in Colorado in 1981. She has held numerous positions in Colorado and Florida since then in several local domestic violence and sexual assault programs and state coalitions, including Program Supervisor and Director. She was the Executive Director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence for nearly 22 years. She has been interviewed by hundreds of newspaper reporters and appeared on many local and national radio and television news shows, including The Washington Post, USA Today, People Magazine, National Public Radio, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and the Oprah Winfrey Show.
She currently is a Senior Adviser for the National Football League on their efforts to end violence against women also serves as Vice President of External Relations for domesticshelters.org and Executive Director of Victim Services for eBodyGuard. She believes that advocacy and social change are intricately connected and cannot be done separately.

George Brauchler is the former District Attorney for the 18th Judicial District in Colorado, the largest judicial district in the state with more than 930,000 residents in Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln Counties. A veteran litigator, Brauchler has taken more than 140 trials to verdict in state, federal, and military court over the past eighteen years, including several of the state’s most publicized cases, including the only prosecutor in the nation to have prosecuted three mass shootings including Columbine, Stem School Shooting and the Aurora Theatre Shooting. In addition, he has also been a regular adjunct faculty member of the University of Denver College of Law, Colorado Law, and the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy JAG Schools, earning a reputation as one of the most prolific lecturers and trainers on trial advocacy in the nation.
Brauchler, who is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, has served as Chief of Military Justice for Fort Carson and with the 4th Infantry Division and the U.S. Division-North in Iraq.
Brauchler was intimately involved in the first judicial district ever to pilot, execute, and provide the incubation necessary for the first statewide Criminal eDiscovery solution in America. It is still in operation today.