Sprint 2 Schedule

Sprint 2 Kickoff Meeting

When: Monday, May 20, 9:00 am. Don't be late!

Where: CTLM 102. All full-class meetings will be in this room.

What: We will discuss System Architecture and Design. Agenda includes:

Guest Speaker

When: Wednesday, May 22, 9:00 am. Don't be late!

Where: CTLM 102. All full-class meetings will be in this room.

What: Matthew McElhaney and Mike Buckner from BPX

Goals for the Sprint

  • Sprint planning with your client (do this early in the sprint!)
  • Complete first "real" sprint


  • Design document - consult with your advisor on their preferred method of delivering various course documents to them.
  • Peer evaluations (watch for email with instructions). These are required. Please submit your evaluations between Friday, 5/24 and Thursday, 5/30.


During your meeting with your advisor, you will practice:

  • Daily scrum stand-up.
  • Go over your Design Document
  • Have a discussion about ethics to prepare you for your Ethics paraphrase
  • Sprint retrospective. This will be used to identify issues with project, client, and/or team. You will do a team member evaluation this sprint and at the end of the session. There should be no surprises - if there are issues, let's talk about them!!

Prepare for next week

“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”