Design Proposal

A key skill for any engineer is communicating their designs to others. This may be in the context of making a sales pitch (explaining how your software will meet client's requirements), or perhaps in a technical review (giving your team an opportunity to critique your approach). You will practice this important skill this week.

Each team is asked to do a presentation on your project and your proposed design. These presentations will be done for your adviser(s) and one or two other teams, who will grade and provide feedback on your presentation. Each presentation should be ~12 minutes in length. You'll need to practice as a team to ensure the length is appropriate. Each team member should contribute.

Keep in mind that your audience, other than your adviser, may not be familiar with your project, so you will need to give an overview of the problem you are solving for your client. You should explain your design and how it addresses the client's requirements. You do not need to cover every component of the requirements and design; a talk in depth on some key aspect of your project may be more effective.

Presentation Skills

Every audience member will critique each talk, following the evaluation criteria. Evaluations will be submitted electronically via Google Forms. The advisor will read your feedback before passing it on to the team. This feedback is not anonymous... feedback must be constructive and professional.

In addition, the team will be given immediate verbal feedback.


Thursday, May 30 - CTLM 102
9:00 - 10:00
(Iris and Daniel)
Boss Ventures LLS
CSM Liebe
CSM Student Fryer
10:00 - 11:00
(Daniel and Caleb)
CSM Bridgman
Colorado Education Association
Dish 1
Lunar Outpost 2
11:00 - 12:00
Dish 2
Walker Water 1
Dish 3
Walker Water 2
12:00 - 1:00
AI Arrive 2
Lunar Outpost 1
Swim Tech LLC
1:00 - 2:00
(Zibo and Rob)
AI Arrive 3
CSM Belviranli 2
Regis Company
Friday, May 31 - CTLM 102
9:00 - 10:00
(Kathleen and Iris)
CSM Bahar
Salesforce 2
10:00 - 11:00
AI Arrive 4
CSM Belviranli 1
Keeping Labor Safe
11:00 - 12:00
(Kathleen and Donna)
5 Star General Contracting 1
Longhopes Donkey Shelter
Northrop Grumman
12:00 - 1:00
5 Star General Contracting 2
CSM Poole
Lunar Outpost 3
Salesforce 1
1:00 - 2:00
CSM Bodeau
CSM Hildreth
CSM Student Chu
CSM Student Lim
“Computer dating is fine, if you're a computer.” - Rita Mae Brown