Sprint 1 Schedule

Kickoff Meeting

When: Monday, May 13, 9:00 am. Don't be late!

Where: CTLM 102. All full-class meetings will be in this room.

What: We will discuss course logistics and have an agile process overview, followed by a few short introductions. Agenda includes:

  • Cover the course goals.
  • Initial lecture on Scrum.
  • Overview of creating a team contract.
  • Cover the overall course evaluation criteria.
  • Determine role assignments for each team.
  • ITS Introduction
  • SageMaker Studio Lab Introduction
  • Schedule team meetings with the advisors. You should meet with your client and create a team contract and requirements document prior to meeting with your advisor.

As you think about your team processes and your team contract, keep in mind the Agile Manifesto and the 12 Agile Principles. Another useful Scrum reference: Scrum primer.

Client Meeting

You should have already scheduled a meeting with your client for no later than Tuesday (05/14).

Guest Speaker

When: Tuesday, May 14, 9:00 am. Don't be late!

Where: CTLM 102. All full-class meetings will be in this room.

What: Jesse Garland, Chris Jezek, and Michael Garioto from WWT will present "Building the Right Thing” : Understanding the client goals and problems to maximize the value of your team’s backlog"

Lots to do!

Get off to a good start this sprint! Goals for the sprint include:

  • Meet with your client. Should be done Tuesday (05/14) afternoon at the latest. If this is not possible, notify your advisor immediately.
  • Understand the project requirements. Come up with questions for your client. Write the requirements document.
  • Begin to use an agile (scrum-like) process.
    • Pick a scrum tool (or learn the tool used by your client). There are various free tools you can find online, or you can do quite well with just a few Google Docs documents (for our small projects).
    • Start to create use cases or user stories for your product backlog.
  • Ensure that your team has a proper development environment.
  • Learn new languages/technologies.


During this sprint the teams will create:

  • a team contract.
  • a requirements document.
  • the Product Backlog. Nothing to turn in, your advisor will review briefly.
  • the associated use cases or stories. Nothing to turn in, these should be incorporated in your product backlog.

Consult with your advisor on their preferred method of delivering various course documents to them.


During your meeting with your advisor, you will practice:

  • Do introductions of team and project
  • Go over your Team Contract
  • Go over your Requirements Document

Team member evaluation

To ensure all team members are contributing equitably and there are no team issues, the team will do a sprint retrospective during each advisor meeting. We will also use CATME to do peer evaluations two times during the session in Sprints 3 & 6.

“There are only two industries that refer to their customers as 'users'.” - Edward Tufte