Team Contract

What exactly are we doing?

Team Contract documents in some settings may be very long and formal. Our team contract document will be fairly informal, 2 pages in length. Your document must include:

  1. Team Roles
    • Team Name - Help create an identity amongst yourselves
    • Client Liaison - Team communication goes through this person to the client
    • Advisor POC - Team communication goes through this person to the advisor
  2. Team Procedures
    • Working Hours - What days & times will you be meeting to work? Where will you work?
    • Pairing - How will pairs be formed? How often will they switch?
    • Scrum - Which scrum tool will be used? How will the scrum process be followed and maintained?
    • VCS - Which VCS will be used? What is the policy for branching & merging? What is the policy for testing & code reviews prior to checking code in?
  3. Team Norms
    • Communication - How will the team communicate outside of work? While working?
    • Decision Making - How will the team make decisions? Vote? Majority? Debate?
    • Feedback - How will the team give/receive feedback?

Feel free to include any additional Team Norms that your team agrees to that will help your team function to its fullest potential.

During the various reflections in upcoming sprints, individual team members and the whole team will be asked to revisit the agreed upon Team Contract.

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming.” - C.A.R. Hoare