Practice Talk Schedule

Our regular classroom (CTLM 102) is available for final presentation practice talks on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12 between 8:00am - 5:00pm. Feel free to find an empty classroom to do additional practice.

The purpose of the practice talks is to enable you to:

  • Practice the timing of your final talk.
  • Practice in a large room so you can verify that slides can be viewed and everyone can be heard from the back of the room. Also figure out where the team members should stand when not talking.
  • Get feedback from members of other teams (advisors will most likely not attend). Be sure that at least one person sits far enough back to evaluate that you are loud enough to be heard. Project! Note that your presentation will be delivered across Zoom, too, for those clients that are attending remotely.
Brooks' Law: “Adding human resources to a late software project makes it later.”