CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2024

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(The above banner was made for A1, our first class assignment.)

Class Labs and Assignments:

Class Assignments

A2 - A Journey in the Dark

This assignment had us animating an interactive character to walk around a world created by our class.

SQ1 - All Your Base Are Belong To Us

This optional assignment had us create a game. I made a small top down shooter.

A3 - Journey to the Cross-roads

This assignment had us implement the Phong Shader model to show a character moving around a scene.

MP - Over Hill and Under Hill

This project had us working in groups to implement our characters in a 3D scene with a skybox, a cone light, and a point light.

Class Labs

Lab 00 - OpenGL Introduction

These images were made for our first in-class lab, teaching us about the basics of using OpenGL.

Lab 02 - Flying around a 3D work

This lab introduced us to 3D operations, including moving a camera around in a 3D space.

Lab03 - 3D Models

This lab had our class display a textured 3D model.

Lab04 - Introduction to Shaders

This lab introduced us to the shader pipeline.

Lab05 - Basic Illumination

This lab had us implement a basic diffuse shader.

Lab06 - Texturing

This lab had us explore the texturing process in OpenGL.

Lab08 - Bezier Curves

This lab had us drawing and animating along Bezier curves.