CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2024 |
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HUNGO MUNGOHere is my rendering of HUNGO MUNGO's homeland, THE GREAT FOG Here is HUNGO MUNGO's banner. Here is my free cam and cityscape from lab02. In lab03 I went through the manual process of registering VAOs and also loaded textures using this. In a2 I created a 2d avatar for HUNGO MUNGO. He looks at the mouse, can walk around, and always waves at you. In lab04 I implemented a custom shader which modifies vertex position and color of the 3d sphere. In lab05 I implemented basic diffuse shading and a free cam to fly around the world in this generated cityscape. In lab06 I implemented texture rendering so different objects can be colored with custom textures. In a3 I fully implemented a Phong Reflectance with Gouraud Shading lighting system, created an interactive arcball camera, and a controllable custom car. In MP I worked with two other students to greatly expand upon my work in A3. Our final product includes 3 interactive heroes, 3 camera types, an improved lighting system, a textured skybox, and more environmental details. In particular, I worked on adding Point Lights and Spot Lights to the lighting system, as well as random object generation in the environment. | |