CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2024 |
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EDNA "E" MODEA1: Valaquenta ![]() For this assignment, the task was to create the name of our character on a sign using only GL polyon primitives. I used a combination of GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, and GL_TRIANGLE_FAN to achieve each of the letters in my hero's name. I also utilized the various transformation, scaling, translating, and rotating to simplify the process of drawing the primitives. For example, rotating one of the diagonal sections of the 'A' allowed me to reused the same function for both diagonal portions of the 'A' rather than being forced to manually specify another triangle. I also implemented various colors onto the letters by selecting an overall color to be added to each vertice using a for loop and specifing a different color to specific vertices after the for loop. SQ1: All Your Base Belongs to Us ![]() ![]() For this assignment, the task was to create a game using GL_PRIMITIVES and skills of user interaction. I created the background of a volcano using two GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPS and a square create of GL_TRIANGLES for the ground. A feature of constant animation was added as lava circles erupting from the volcano using GL_TRIANGLE_FAN and translating them on a constant step value until they reach the top of the screen before moving them back down. The goal of the game is to survive the eruption for as long as possible and the player controls a dinosaur character using A and D. Additional user interaction is created by allowing the dinosaur to teleport to the X location of the mouse on click. The antagonist of the game takes the form of rocks falling due to the eruption of the volcano. If the dinosaur finds themselves under a rock, they will be crushed and the game will end. The number of rocks and their speed of falling will increase as time progresses. A2: A Journey In the Dark ![]() For this assignment, the task was to highlight techniques of user interaction and animation by drawing a character that could be controlled by the user. My character takes on the form of Edna Mode and can be moved in all 4 directions using the arrow keys. Additionally, mouse and cursor implementation was added through movement of Edna's eyes to follow the cursor and the ability to shoot lasers on click. Constant animation was added through the bobbing of Edna's head regardless of user interaction. The character is able to traverse through a variety of world maps previously created in A0 by walking towards the edge of the screen in any direction. A3: A Journey to the Cross-Roads ![]() For this assignment, the task was to create our character in the 3D world. This was done by constructing the character out of 3D objects and a corresponding scene, mine represented by colorful buildings. The character's heading can be changed and it can move forward. An arcball camera has been implemented, following the character and giving the ability for the camera to rotate around her in a circle. Animation has been added to the character when walking. Additionally, Gouard Shading was implemented through the presence of diffuse, specular, and ambient shading to give shadows to the scene. MP: Over Hill and Under Hill ![]() For this assignment, the task was to create our characters in the 3D world. This program creates a 3D scene and implements our 3 characters into it. Characters can be controlled and viewed with different camera options. The scene include building and trees with full Gourad Shading model including attenuation. It is made to look like the character is walking around at night. A skybox with texture is also implemented to give depth to the scene. | |