![Action!: You have not yet earned this achievement Action!](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) Action! ![A Whiter Shade of Pale: I guess you like Procol Harum. A Whiter Shade of Pale](../../resources/images/badges/shadeofpale.png) A Whiter Shade of Pale +50 XP ![Ada Lovelace: You have not yet earned this achievement Ada Lovelace](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_white.png) Ada Lovelace ![Birds of a Feather: You have not yet earned this achievement Birds of a Feather](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) Birds of a Feather ![Camera Crew: Get me Steven Spielberg on line 1! We've got a movie to direct. Camera Crew](../../resources/images/badges/md5camera.png) Camera Crew +250 XP ![Code Monkey: You have reached Web Level 0. Code Monkey](../../resources/images/badges/codemonkey.png) Code Monkey +10 XP ![Combinatorics: You have not yet earned this achievement Combinatorics](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_yellow.png) Combinatorics ![Commander In Chief: You have reached Assignments Level 3. Commander In Chief](../../resources/images/badges/comminchief.png) Commander In Chief +100 XP ![Contributor: You have not yet earned this achievement Contributor](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_white.png) Contributor ![Ctrl-Alt-Del: You have not yet earned this achievement Ctrl-Alt-Del](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) Ctrl-Alt-Del ![Deep Blue: You have reached Web Level 2. Deep Blue](../../resources/images/badges/deepblue.png) Deep Blue +50 XP ![Different Flocks: One of these is not like the other. Different Flocks](../../resources/images/badges/different.png) Different Flocks +50 XP ![Doom iddt: You have not yet earned this achievement Doom iddt](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_red.png) Doom iddt ![Double Click: What's your clicks per minute? (or CPM as we like to say) Double Click](../../resources/images/badges/doubleclick.png) Double Click +50 XP ![Dr. Frankenstein: You have reached Labs Level 3. Dr. Frankenstein](../../resources/images/badges/frankenstein.png) Dr. Frankenstein +100 XP ![Dr. Ray Stantz: You have not yet earned this achievement Dr. Ray Stantz](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_red.png) Dr. Ray Stantz ![Early Bird Gets The Worm: But the second mouse gets the cheese. Early Bird Gets The Worm](../../resources/images/badges/early_bird_gets_the_worm.png) Early Bird Gets The Worm +100 XP ![Eye of Sauron: You really do see all. Now go look for those Hobbits! Eye of Sauron](../../resources/images/badges/eye_of_sauron.png) Eye of Sauron +25 XP ![FFP-Free: You have not yet earned this achievement FFP-Free](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_yellow.png) FFP-Free ![Field Marshal: You have reached Assignments Level 2. Field Marshal](../../resources/images/badges/fieldmarshal.png) Field Marshal +50 XP ![Geek: You have not yet earned this achievement Geek](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_red.png) Geek ![Goodyear Blimp: You have not yet earned this achievement Goodyear Blimp](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) Goodyear Blimp ![Grim Reaper: You're quite thorough, aren't you? Grim Reaper](../../resources/images/badges/grimreaper.png) Grim Reaper +50 XP ![I Ate The Worm: You have not yet earned this achievement I Ate The Worm](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) I Ate The Worm ![I Found Waldo!: Now where did I leave my keys? I Found Waldo!](../../resources/images/badges/waldo.png) I Found Waldo! +100 XP ![Insert Coin to Continue: Oh no, I'm out of quarters. Back to Level 1. Insert Coin to Continue](../../resources/images/badges/continue.png) Insert Coin to Continue +50 XP ![I Want To Be A Hero: Be on the look out for Brutus. He hangs out behind the Thieves Guild. I Want To Be A Hero](../../resources/images/badges/hero_wanted.png) I Want To Be A Hero +25 XP ![Lab Assistant: You have reached Labs Level 2. Lab Assistant](../../resources/images/badges/labasst.png) Lab Assistant +50 XP ![Lab Rat: You have reached Labs Level 0. Lab Rat](../../resources/images/badges/labrat.png) Lab Rat +10 XP ![Lab Tech: You have reached Labs Level 1. Lab Tech](../../resources/images/badges/labtech.png) Lab Tech +25 XP ![Lurker: You have not yet earned this achievement Lurker](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_white.png) Lurker ![Mercator: You have not yet earned this achievement Mercator](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_yellow.png) Mercator ![Mobius Strip: You have not yet earned this achievement Mobius Strip](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_yellow.png) Mobius Strip ![Moderator: You have not yet earned this achievement Moderator](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_white.png) Moderator ![Party: Your team will fling to the front. Party](../../resources/images/badges/party.png) Party +75 XP ![Patchwork Quilt: You have not yet earned this achievement Patchwork Quilt](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) Patchwork Quilt ![Point, Set, Match: You have not yet earned this achievement Point, Set, Match](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_yellow.png) Point, Set, Match ![Pong Master: You have not yet earned this achievement Pong Master](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_red.png) Pong Master ![P.T. Barnum: You have not yet earned this achievement P.T. Barnum](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_red.png) P.T. Barnum ![Rookie: You have reached Assignment Level 0. Rookie](../../resources/images/badges/rookie.png) Rookie +10 XP ![School's Out: Alice Cooper's latest hit - School's out for winter. You turned the Final Project in on time. Congrats on completing the course! School's Out](../../resources/images/badges/schoolsout.png) School's Out +50 XP ![Take the Red Pill: you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Take the Red Pill](../../resources/images/badges/redpill.png) Take the Red Pill +50 XP ![Row Row Row Your Boat: Life is but a dream. Row Row Row Your Boat](../../resources/images/badges/rowtheboat.png) Row Row Row Your Boat +100 XP ![Surface Deep: You have not yet earned this achievement Surface Deep](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_red.png) Surface Deep ![The Mountains Are Calling: You have not yet earned this achievement The Mountains Are Calling](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_yellow.png) The Mountains Are Calling ![Troll: You have reached Ed Level 0. Troll](../../resources/images/badges/troll.png) Troll +10 XP ![Veteran: You have reached Assignments Level 1. Veteran](../../resources/images/badges/veteran.png) Veteran +25 XP ![Web Master: You have reached Web Level 1. Web Master](../../resources/images/badges/webmaster.png) Web Master +25 XP ![You're In Good Hands: You have not yet earned this achievement You're In Good Hands](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) You're In Good Hands ![I'm on top of the world!: You made the hall of fame. I'm on top of the world!](../../resources/images/badges/halloffame.png) I'm on top of the world! +200 XP ![GLC Must Live On!: Oh, I was unstoppable. Perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella. Just a right amount of grease on the joystick. GLC Must Live On!](../../resources/images/badges/highscore.png) GLC Must Live On! +200 XP ![???: You have not yet earned this achievement ???](../../resources/images/badges/unearned_green.png) ??? |