CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2023 |
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Wrenn![]() Assignment 02: An Unexpected Journey![]() ![]() This assignment had us create our hero, and a simple little idle animation, and have them move around using keyboard calls It also included some interaction with the mouse, so I had Wrenn change her expression if you clicked on her. When moving to the edge of the screen, the next part of the map would be loaded, and Wrenn would wrap around to the other side. Lab02: Free Cam![]() Assignment 03: The Cabin in the Woods![]() This assignment had us create a 3d model of our hero (or a representation of them), along with creating idle/walking animations, and having them move around with WASD. We had to implement an arcball camera for this assignment as well, and messed around with shaders/diffusers. MP: The Fellowship![]() This assignment built off of Assignment 03, where our group imported our hero models into a new program. We created a control scheme to swap between controlling each hero, as well as implemented 3 different cameras (Arcball, Freecam, 1st-person) with controls to swap between the different views. This assignment uses Gourand shading, and has 3 different light sources (Directional, Point-Light, Spotlight). Assignment 04: Off to Never Never Land![]() ![]() For this assignment, we had to load in data for control points in order to create a Bezier Curve centered on our hero. This Bezier Curve would be used to move an object around the hero, changing it's direction based on the curve that it followed. In addition, we also had to implement a simple skybox to our world. FP: There and Back Again![]() This final project was fairly open ended. We were given freedom to do what we wanted provided it followed several requirements. Our team decided to make a "BOID" simulation, where several objects would follow a single point. We added some collision logic that let the BOIDS bounce off of eachother, and used a cel shader to illuminate them. The control point can be moved around with WASD to influence their movement. | |