CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2023 |
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"Sleepy"Nathan Bush Colorado School of Mines Lab 0: This is a bed drawn in different locations with changing scale A1: This is a sign I made that has my class name and emblem of my home (a bed) Lab 2: This is a screenshot of a moving camera going through "buildings" A2: These are images from an engine that lets a character move around the map with constant animation Lab5: These are three-d objects in space with simple shaders A3: Shows a moveable plane with an Arc Ball camera, shaders and simple bounds detection. MP: Group project that has uses Phong Reflectance Model implemented with Gourad Shading. It has an Arcball camera, a Free camera, and a First-person camera. All four character can also be controled. A4: This project shows work using skybox textures and Bezier curves with a plane you can drive around. It uses the Phong Reflectance Model implemented with Gourad Shading for objects in the world. The object riding the Bezier curve can move by arc length or by a set step size. A5: This project shows work using simple collision detection, simulated gravity, and partical systems. A5: This final shows work using the vertex shader to create bumby looking terran, a phong shader, two texure shaders, and two dynamically moving light sources. | |