CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2023

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"MC Ride"

L00A: Triforce

L00B: My home

Banner with name and crest.

L01: Image of the animated triforce (I promise it moves and changes colors, you can't see it in a pic tho).

L02: Image of flying simulation. Using WASD and mouse, the user can navigate the 3D space shown above.

A2: Image of my character. Clicking left mouse toggles his eye color to blue, and shift clicking toggles eye color to green. Return to red when nothing is pressed.

A2: Image of my character, in 3D. He can fly around and has static animation and is from a shaded area and also can't run into the walls and is an arcball glued to an invisible sphere around him. Really cool guy.

Image from midterm project. This project puts all 3 characters from our group into 1 world, with phong illumination and Gouraud shading, and allows the user to switch between characters(using 7, 8, 9) and control them using WASD. The user can also switch between freecam, arcball, and first person cams using 1, 2, 3.

Made a skybox and colored. Also made a curve.

Final Project. Made a janky version of minecraft with 2 lighting sources, first and 3rd person cams, textures on the blocks, changing the shader color when moving back vs forwards, and allowing the user to place blocks based on where they are looking. So fun!