CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2023 |
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"ENA"A lightbulb sign with the name ENA on it, along side ENA's eyes as a closeup. This was made using custom functions that allow for faster creation of rectangles. It also uses all 3 kinds of triangle primitives for different features. A city made with cube primitives, randomly placed and colored. A billiards themed game where you must collect as many coins as possible in 10 shots, using the walls to bounce the ball and get sick trick-shots. An animated Ena that can be controlled to explore their environment. Ena is interactive and responds to mouse and keyboard input. A 3D animated and interactive Ena. You can explore the environment with 3D teapots showing off custom GLSL shaders. This project was to make an interactive scene with lighting by implementing the phong-reflectance model. I am interested in shaders so I focused on implementing the diffuse, specular, and ambient components for the 3 light types. This project was to make an example of bezier curves in 3D space, the teapot orbiting around ENA includes arc-length parametrization and faces forward along the path. This project also includes skyboxes. This project was to make a game using OpenGL, We chose to make a Pool game. I was tasked with making the physics, models, and shaders. The shaders use a toon technique I made, that converts the color to HSV to round only one channel. The models were made with blender and imported. The physics engine is custom and uses a different method to the ones made for other projects. The background of the environment is a 3D model of Mines campus taken from the Google Maps API. | |