CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2023 |
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"Chonk"Lab00This assignment involved creating a background of the setting where Chonk is from. This was accomplished using basic hardcoded values to create the various triangles involved. Lab01This lab expands upon lab 0 by animating the triforce to rotate and follow the mouse cursor. It also changes color when the left mouse button is pressed. Lab02The purpose of this lab was to create a basic 3D environment with a free camera that could be moved by the user to navigate the buildings. Lab03This lab uses VAOs and VBOs to display a 3D model with skeleton animation and skinning. Lab04The goal of this lab was to render a 3D model using a shader program and add uniform color to it. Lab05This lab user a shader program to render and add lighting to a 3D environment with a free cam that follows a plane around as the user flies through the buildings. A1The goal of this assignment was to create a sign for Chonk that displayed his name and a crest. A2The purpose of this assingment was to create a representation of Chonk using basic opengl primatives as well as adding keyboard and mouse events to animate the character. Chonk's legs have an idle walking animation and the sword arm swings when left mouse button is pressed. In addition to this, Chonk's orientation changes based off of the mouse cursor. A3This assignment creates and renders a 3D version of Chonk and a grid for him to walk around on. MPThis project renders a world with Chonk, W. Holt, and Splimgly. It implements an arcball camera, free camera, and First Person Camera, as well as point, direction, and spot lights. A4This assignment renders in a world with a bezier curve bound to Chonk. It also includes a skybox. Final ProjectThis project creates a world with a small village and trees as well as a train that moves around the world using a Bezier curve. | |