CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2022

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"Jet Jaguar"

A1: A simple image of Jet Jaguar's name and crest rendered using OpenGL / GLFW.

Lab00B: A depiction of Jet Jaguar's home at sunset, featuring a poorly-rendered
hexagonal sun, mountains, a road, and a city in the distance, rendered using OpenGL / GLFW.

Lab02: A program which renders a colorful city in 3D and which implements a free
camera that can move with keyboard presses and turn with the mouse.

A2: A program which displays a Jet Jaguar character with an idle head bob animation,
eyes which move and toggle with the mouse, and which can move with W,A,S,D, wrapping
around the screen.

A3: A program which displays a 3D Jet Jaguar character with an idle head bob animation
which can move and turn with W,A,S,D on a grid with random buildings, followed by
an orbiting arcball camera which can be rotated and zoomed with the mouse.

MP: A program which renders 3 interactive 3D characters on a grid with an environment
of buildings and trees, allowing the user to switch between them as well as between
an arcball, free, and first person (picture-in-picture) camera. The program implements
the Phong Illumination model with Gouraud shading and has a directional, point,
and spot light.

A4: A program which adds to the previous assignment the capability of loading
control points from a file and generating a bezier curve around the character,
a directional orb which follows that curve, and a skybox.

A5: A simple game building on the previous assignments which pits the player character
against enemy marbles which chase them as they try to visit every checkered square
of the world without dying or falling off.

FP: A simple game building on the previous assignments which pits the player character
against enemy marbles which chase them as they try to collect powerups to win the game.
This program uses multiple different shaders to implement various texturing, lighting,
and other techniques, including a fog implementation using vertex distance from the camera.