CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2022

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"Clutch Norris"

This screenshot is of the Final Project. We made a game that involves collecting all the coins before being killed by an enemy. The surface uses bezier curves, which can be modified to change the elevations. You can also change the mode to day time to make it easier to see.

This screenshot is of A5. This is a game where the goal is to collect 10 watermelons before losing all 3 lives. The enemy will track and follow the player around, removing 1 player life on collision.

This screenshot is of A4. A bezier curve will always stay centered around the character and rotate with it too. You can enable and disable the control points and the cage. There is also a skybox with its own texturing that gives the world a better ambience.

This is a screenshot for our MP project. We have 3 selectable characters with an ArcBall camera and a Free camera. We also have a toggleable first person camera that follows the currently selected character. We also implement Phong illumination to light up our scene.

This is the screenshot for A3. My character is a car that drives around a city. You can drive with WASD and zoom the camera in and out as it follows the vehicle around.

This is the screenshot for A2. My hero waves his arms and legs around, while his eyes always follow the mouse. Upon pressing the mouse, his eyes turn red.

This is the screenshot for L02. You can move the camera around and fly through this "city".

This is the screenshot for A1. This is my hero sign.

This is the screenshot for L01. Despite being static, this actually follows the mouse and can change colors.

This is the screenshot for L00. This is the world that I made.