CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2022

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"Arthur Leywin"

Assignment 1

This is the banner for the leaderboard.
This was created with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP with scale, rotate, and translate.

Assignment 2

Had to create an interactive character using GL Primitives. Needs to be able to walk and have an idle animation. I really didn't want to do the hair.

Assignment 3

For this assignment I had to create a vehical that my character uses. It had to turn and move like a car. This vehical also had to have a camera that follows it and has an animation. I created a horse.

Midterm Project

This is a program that renders our characters in a 3D environment. The user can move the camera around the scene and interact with the characters. The user can also change the camera to an arcball camera, a free famera, and toggle a first person picture in picture display. The lighting method implemented in this program is the Phong Reflectance Model using Gouraud Shading.

Assignment 4

For this assignment I had to create a scene with a character and a bezier curve that is centered around the character. We were also supposed to make a skybox but that didn't turn out too well. This Assignment made me lose my mind.

Assignment 5

This game has a character that is controlled by the user. The goal of this game is to collect the pieces of bread laying around the map while dodging the skulls coming for the character. If you collect all the pieces of bread, you win the game. If you get hit by a skull, you lose the game. Be careful because you could also fall off the platform.

Final Project

This program is a game where you must collect coins and not get hit by the enemies to win. It is set at night, so you must use a flashlight to look around. There is terrain generation using perlin noise. The enemies and coins are randomly generated. The enemies sit still and wait for you to get close, then they chase you.

Better look at the terrain and the characters using daytime mode.