CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2021

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Lab00B: This is the home map (512x512) made to display my hero's home! It has a house and mountains drawn-- it utilizes color gradients to help depict these well.

A1: This is the sign (700x150) made to display my hero's name and crest for the big tournament! It has letters that utilize translation, rotation, and scaling. It also has 3 different colors utilized to show the individual triangles used to create each letter.

Lab02: This is the flight simulator used to practice the utilization of the free cam. It uses keys to move the camera and simulate flying through the multi-colored city!

A2: This is depiction of my hero! The glitters around her daggers flash to show the sharpness of her blades. She can move from side to side and top to bottom in order to explore the different maps. She's also pretty feisty so if you click near or on her, her eyes will flash red in anger!

A3: This is the vehicle that my hero travels in, a UFO! The center orb of the UFO pulses as it moves-- alien tech is crazy. It is propelled forward by two engines on the back. It moves around the map via the AWSD keys. Also, to view this UFO, there is an arcball camera in action.

MP: This is a small world full of buildings and trees that can be traversed via a car or UFO. It implements full Gouraud Shading and the Phong model for illumination. The user can switch between an arcball, free, and first person camera. The first person camera is shown in the corner of the screen in tandem with the arcball camera.

A4: This is a small world with a skybox. It has a ufo that moves around the screen. The ufo is encircled by a bezier curve with control points and a cage. There is a small pointed sphere that circles around the curve. The curve, cage, and control points have a visibility that can be toggled.

A5: This is a small game where the UFO must escape a specified number of evil orbs for as long as possible. The evil orbs always seek the UFO out. Both can fall off of the world, so look out!

FP: This is a game in which the user drives a little car around to find all of the hidden objects scattered through the world. If the user runs into the building, they get reset to the start point. If the user drives into the right puddle, they fall in and can drive to the other puddle to teleport there. The user has a time limit to find all of the hidden items and lose if the cannot. The world is wrapped in a skybox.