CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2021

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Roxas No. XIII

My banner and chosen sigil: Revan's Mask!

Donning my cloak and mask, I emerge victorious from the tombs with sabers ignited. . . This program created a 2D avatar that can be controlled with the arrows or WASD keys.
Moving the cursor on the screen alters the cloak color, and clicking alters the saber color.
Revan's lightsabers are contantly being ignited and retracted to intimidate his enemies.

I journeyed to the distant planet 'Mars' in my UFO! It was a loyal craft, capable of being admired for its various methods of movement. I also built an arcball camera in order to better see it from many angles and distances. Initially, my lighting was a variant of the diffuse model....

But eventually, I implemented the full Phong Reflectance Model to see Mars in all its glory!

We now take a moment to mourn. My system proved incapable of properly integrating a teapot in my vessel... But for the briefest of moments, it produced what I call "Tea-ranysaurus Max"!

For the midterm project, I partnered with Ace and Rost to improve our view of our world.

We improved our arcball cameras from before. . .

And then we added some new ways to view the world!

Leaving my friends in the void, I traveled to a distant planet and gained a Bezier Curve Sidekick!

Suddenly, I found my craft grounded as a shot from below burnt out my engines! Crashing in smoke, I found myself facing a horde emerging from out of nowhere, while my friends were nowhere to be found... Keeping my sidekick close by my side, I strove my utmost to escape their approach without careening off the edge to my doom... Oh, and as long as I was there, I decided I'd try to pick up some treasure, too!


But the swarm closed in quickly...


Just when all hope seemed lost, a portal opened! Ace and Rost returned, bringing with them a new world of titans clashing in an arena of great magnitude. Luckily, my emergence from the portal caused me to gain a cloaking device, which I used as I watched the battle and enjoyed my narrow escape.


I also gained the mysterious ability to direct the giants in their clash, which was quite enjoyable!



My first Graphics program: a pair of Triforci!

I proudly hail from the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.

This lab is a flight simulator. I began by randomly generating a grid of buildings.
Initially, I mixed up the y and z planes, but it made for a cool picture, so I kept it.

I then aligned them properly on the grid to show a nice randomized scattering.

Finally, I increased the height of the buildings via random generation.
Implementing a Free Cam allowed me to fly to this photogenic location!

Playing with variable colors allowed me to create a beach ball in 3D.

Next, I varied the vertex positions to pulse one of its quadrants.

Expanding my ventures into the third dimension, I lit a world to explore. For this journey, I flew a FreeCam-driven airplane. My lighting was not quite correct, but it offered a cool picture-worthy effect.

Once the lighting was fixed, the spectrum became much more familiar!

One can only do so much with straight lines... but careful plotting produces smooth curves!

Here is an experiment where textures meet collision detection.