CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2021

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The purpose of this lab was to learn how to do basic 2D drawing using OpenGL and GLFW. Here you can see the gold triforce, representing Lotuim's power, wisdom, and courage.

In part B of Lab00, I created Lotuim's world, Mystic Dunes. This hero's home town features a large waterfall into a big blue body of water that blends in to the beautiful sunset in the background.

The purpose of this lab was to learn how to add keyboard and mouse interaction and practice animation. The triangle color changes between gold and red on a left mouse click, and the triangle follows the mouse around the screen. Lastly, the program exits when the escape key is pressed.

Here is Lotuim's sign, which features his hometown's crest!

The purpose of this lab was to create a flight simulator with a free camera. The camera can maneuver in and out and through the colorful buildings and the mouse lets you pan around the city!

In this assignment, I created an animated and interactive hero. He sings in the direction of the mouse, and when you click, he sings louder. (His mouth opens wider, and the music notes get bigger. Oh, and he raises his arms!) He also can travel left, right, up, and down using WASD or the arrow keys, and his head bobs up and down.

In this Side Quest, I created a simple 2D implementatoin of Flappy Dot.

The purpose of this lab was to practice using vertex shaders.

The purpose of this lab was to practice using lighting in our flight simulator.

In this assignment, I created Lotuim's bus. This bus can travel forward and backward using the 'w' and 's' keys and can change directions with the 'a' and 'd' keys. The bus changes colors between blue and red and has a big window at the front.

In our midterm project, my group created a world with four vehicles in it - a bus, a truck, a semi, and a Toyota AE86. This program implements Gouraud Shading and has three different cameras. The vehicles can move around the screen but don't worry, there's bound checking to make sure they stay in the world.

The purpose of this lab was add textures to various objects.

The purpose of this lab was to render a Bezier Curve with an animated sphere moving along the curve.

The purpose of this lab was to plot a Bezier Surface with Tessellation Shaders.

This program has a bus with an arcball camera placed in a world with a green ground and trees inside a skybox. The bus (hero) has a Bezier curve around it with an armadillo smoothly traveling along the curve.

The purpose of this lab was to practice collision detection and using particle systems.

The purpose of this lab was to practice using geometry shaders and apply texturing.

In this assignment, I created a 3D game consisting of a user-controlled character whose goal is to collect 10 coins while avoiding the rocket ship enemies.

Our last assignment was the Final Project, where my group created a game similar to Rainbow Road. It features a car on a colorful track with user interactivity to drive the car around. It also has a minimap, showing the user where the car is on the track.