CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2021


A1: Hoist Your Sign
Final banner design

A2: An Unexpected Journey

"Ace" drawn with walking animation and toggleable sword in hand. Looking towards cursor at top right.

"Ace" standing still with sword sheathed, looking at cursor in bottom right of screen.

A3: To The Arena

"Ace" in 3 dimensions! He finds himself in an urban jungle and can walk along a heading.

"Ace" standing on the edge of the void, finding himself unable to move off of the platform.

MP: The Main Attraction

Ace finds himself among his comrades, ready to fight for glory, survival, or both! The bottom left corner is the first person perspective of the UFO character.

A focus on Ace with the arcball camera.

A freecam positioned behind ace sees just where he's looking at, and the first person cam gets an even better idea.

A4: Off to Never Never Land

Ace is again in the world of A3 and MP, but this time he sits elevated high above a great Martian canyon! Around him is a Bézier curve that draws the helicopter from MP along the line at certain intervals. The object can either be drawn along equal intervals of time or equal intervals of arc length!

The control cage is even toggleable!

A5: The Barbarian Horde

The enemies are in pursuit! But those evil brick marbles have quite a rudimentary attack strategy. So long as our brave hero can avoid their attacks for 30 seconds, he will reign victorious!

Our brave hero has been vanquished! His enemies revel in their superior numbers.

Oh no, our hero has fallen off the edge! Fortunately, all of his enemies have jumped off right after him. An awful lot like lemmings...