CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2020

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Here's Rick Harrison with his classic sunglasses tan and one of his many Hawaiian shirts in the mountains. To make Rick move, use the WASD keys or the arrow keys. Click to make him blink. He will always try to look in the direction of the cursor, but his eyesight is failing, so he's not always super accurate. His hat has a life of its own!
Here's Rick Harrison in 3D in a city! To make Rick go forward, press W, backward, S, rotate with A and D. Click and drag to change camera angle, and control + click and drag to zoom in and out! His legs move! Wow! So Cool!
This is the bezier curve I was planning to use for A5. :(
Particle and skybox "fountain"
The horror game monster! Run away! This program is an infinite hallway in which you are running away from the monster. W moves the player forward, S backward, pan with A and D and click and drag to pan as well. There's no way to win, but if you get far enough you might see something!