CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2020 |
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MasamuneThis is my sign! This is my 2D hero for A2. He moves around the screen, turns to face the mouse cursor, and changes color scheme with shift-click interactions. His head also constantly bobs up and down. This is my 3D character for A3. It can move around the environment with WASD. It also has an idle animation where the tail moves and a moving animation where the head rotates forward and backward. This is my scene for A4. The character is the same as from A3, but redesigned to make use of the custom shaders. There are two point lights, one red and one blue, at different locations on the scene that illuminate the character and trees. This is our midterm project. It has 3 characters that the user can switch between and control independently. It also has working arcball and freecam models that can be switched between. It has a First-person camera model placed inside of a picture-in-picture viewport that can be toggled on and off. It has custom shaders with a directional light and spotlight. This is my scene for A5. The character is the same from A4, but now has a mascot that rotates around it following a bezier curve. The control cage and curve itself can be hidden using the 'J' and 'K' keys respectively. There is also a textured skybox that surrounds the scene. This is my scene for A6. The character is the same as A5 with the same environment and skybox. The new addition is a cloud that produces constant snowflakes. The snowflakes fall to the ground, at which point they are removed and new flakes are generated at the cloud's height. This is our creation for the final project. The character is similar to previous scenes. There is a bird's eye view nested in a viewport that can be toggled on and off. The ground and bushes are textured, and the bushes make use of a displacement map to alter their geometry. The entire scene uses cell shading with 10 different threshholds to separate the color. | |