CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2020

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"Hattori Hanzo"

This is the nameplate created for Hattori in Assignment 1.

This is the second assingment. It shows Hattori with his moving mouth because he never stops talking about how great he is. He also shoots his laser eyes wherever the user clicks. He can move around the screen, looping to the other side as he moves around a map of images.

This is the third assignment. It allows Hattori to walk through the forest near his home. His hair is blowing around in the wind as he moves around. Also you are able adjust your view of him by moving the mouse around and view him from closer/farther away by pressing control then clicking and moving the mouse.

This is the midterm project in which we had lighting and shaders. Plus the ability to switch characters by tapping 1/2/3. Enabling arc ball or the freecam with cntrl+ 1 or 2 respectively. As well as the ability to toggle a firstperson cam when in arcball cam by pressing cntrl + 3.

This is my attempt at the A4 assignment. It was meant to have two point lights that showed attenuation. I was unable to figure out point lights in time so thats why it looks quite.... off.

This is the fifth assignment. It allows Hattori to walk around like before, admiring the attempt at a skybox in the ground and have a mascot run circles around him following a bezier curve created by read in data points.

This is the Final project. In which we had several elements. First off the user is able to Press B to toggle the Birds eye minimap-view. J/K show and hide the control cage and bezier curve of the sun. Q/ESC quit the program. The character is able to move (using W/A/S/D) up the platforms via walking over them in ascending height. We had a directional light, a point light as well as several texture applications. We used a cell shader to shade the platforms and character in addition to a heightmap shader on the bushes. Collecting all the coins triggers an easter egg. This is a proof of concept for a platformer game.