CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2020 |
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ChuckThis lab acted as an introduction into 2D graphics using OpenGL. This lab was also an intro into 2D graphics using OpenGL with different primitives. This assignment was a combination of the topics we learned in the previous two labs. I had to make a banner with my hero's name and crest. This lab explored camera's with a flight simulator. This lab went into the basic setup to work with VAOs and VBOs using a MD5 model This assignment went into drawing a vehicle in 3D and arcball cameras.
This midterm project explored different light types and cameras. The first picture shows the first person POV in the upper right hand corner. The second picture shows a view of the map with directional light using a free cam.
This assignment explored point lights. It also includes an arcball camera as well as a first person cam, and a free cam. This first picture shows the point lights off.
This picture shows the first point light turned on. This picture shows the second point light turned on. This assignment explored bezier curves and skyboxes. This picture shows the skybox This assignment explored particle systems. For this final project we had to create a game. The player's goal is to reach the end of the grid without running into any of the enemies. If they collide they will be sent back to the start of the level. If they win by making it past the last enemy, they map will turn green. There is a particle system. With Snow falling that slightly sways. The player changes more red the closer it gets to enemies. | |