CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2020

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"Captain Ernie"

This is the Mines logo!

This is the triforce picture from lab00a.
This is my track from lab00b.
This is Captain Ernie's banner from A1.
This is Captain Ernie as she moves through the map in A2. She could move with he arrow keys,
her eyes get red when you get near her face and you can change the speed of her head bob.
This is Captain Ernie's car. It moves through the city with asdw keys.
For the midterm project we had four characters that have animation when they move.
We implemented arcball, free and first person cameras, and used directional, point, and spotlight for lighting.

This is Captain Ernie's car. It moves through the city with asdw keys.near her face and you can change the speed of her head bob.
There is an arcball camera and lighting was used.

This is and elephant player. It moves through the city with asdw keys.Its chased by the lions who speed up with .

We made a frogger style game with a character and cat enemies. When you get hit your sent back to the start and if you win it turns green.