CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2020

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This is the result of my first implementation of openGL. Here, I created triangles and appropriately translated them in order to draw these two pyramid-like figures we have here.

This is the result of utilizing the different openGL primitive objects that were available to me. Here, I was able to practice creating those objects as well as translating, scaling, and rotating them.

This is a display of my hero's name as well as her crest which is presented to the right of the name. I was able to draw this image using 3 different openGL primitives as well as translating, scaling, and rotating.

The image above displays Blossom's full form.

If you look closely, her eyes seemed to have shifted. This is because she is cautiously watching the cursor as it moves around the screen. If you look even closer, it seems like she is bobbing her head up and down...

Blossom is fully capable of moving around the screen and even into different worlds when she passes her current world's borders. With the help of a fellow classmate's track, this ability is displayed above.

The movement of Blossom's eyes was accomplished by utilizing a cursor callback that tells a different function to check the position of the cursor and shift Blossom's eyes depending on that position. Blossom is able to move left, right, up, and down through keyboard callbacks and the hierarchical drawing of her whole body. By drawing her body all together, rather than in separate pieces, I was able to use these callbacks to move her entire body around the screen with the arrow keys.

This is a display of a car that will be used to shuffle people around on Blossom's track. It can be moved by pressing the W, A, S, and D keys.

This is a snapshot of three characters hanging out in a world called Bikini Bottom. This world display directional lighting, a point light, and a spotlight. Each character is able to move around in the world and we can see this movement with different cameras. There is a free camera, arcball camera, and first person camera implemented.

This is a snapshot of my character, Blossom, looking at Jarrison. We can see that there is a first person camera view in the top right corner but an arcball camera that follows her movement.

Blossom is now moving through an eerily lit world. There are two point lights implemented, one red and one blue. We can navigate this world using a free camera.

Here, we can see Blossom standing in a field next to Niagra Falls! There's also a cage and curve that serves as a "track" that the pesky bee follows Blossom around on.

Where did the bee's track go? It doesn't seem to stop it from following Blossom around...

Here, we can see raindrops of various sizes swirling around the world.

Here, we see Jarrison in a snowy wonderland"

There are scary candy canes surrounding the land...

It's because there is an evil santa shooting ornaments at him! When the ornaments get too close, Jarrison jumps in fear!