CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2020

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The Legend of Aiko: Onogoro Island

Two triforces
Lab00a - Raise the Triangles
This first image is my first 2D OpenGL and GLFW drawing.
Mountain and sakura tree
Lab00b - Bob Ross Time
This part of lab00 is where we got freedom to create a scene with 2D OpenGL and GLFW graphics.
The word aiko and a crest
Assignment 1 - Hoist Your Sign
Created our name and hometown crest using OpenGL triangle primitives and practiced translations, rotations, and scaling.
Red triforce rotated
Lab01 - Animation and Mouse/Keyboard Interaction
The Triforce shown changes color from gold to red when the left mouse button or 'c' are pressed. It's also continuously rotating and following the mouse position.
Blue hair character profile picture Blue hair character profile picture
Assignment 2 - Employee of the Month
Created our hero with OpenGL primitives, with idle animation, arrow/ASDW movement, and mouse interactions. Profile picture on the left, shooting interaction/animation pictured on the right.
Rainbow city of varying size rectanlges
Lab02 - Free Cam
In this lab we learned how to set up a free camera the user can fly around a city we generated.
A Jetson's flying car looking vehicle flying around green buildings A Jetson's like flying car
Assignment 3 - The Main Attraction
Created either our character or car, animated it's movement which is restricted by a world border, and implemented an arcball camera focused on it.
A Jetson's flying car and it's friends A Jetson's flying car and it's friends
Midterm Project - Enter the Park
This project included 3D drawing and animation, cameras and viewports, shaders and VAOs, and lastly illumination components.
A Jetson's flying car illuminated A Jetson's flying car illuminated A Jetson's flying car illuminated in mainly orange A Jetson's flying car illuminated in mainly purple
Assignment 4 - Light Up the Night
Implemented two point lights with the full Phong Illumination model.
A Jetson's flying car surounded by a bezier curve and creature flying around it A Jetson's flying car surounded by a bezier curve and creature flying around it
Assignment 5 - Sell Out
Implemented a bezier curve for a creature to constantly follow around and texture shaders with a skybox.
A firework fountain particle system in a skybox A firework fountain particle system in a skybox
Assignment 6 - The Firework Show
Implemented a fountain particle system, some set up for rain particle system, with a skybox.
Jetsons ship in space in free cam Jetsons ship upside down in space in arcball
Assignment 7 - Get To The Gates
Brought my ship back into a world, the ground plane is currently black and the world is in a skybox. Meant to have enemies in it but time simply did not allow it. Maybe soon I will finish and improve it.
Ship flying in space, with lighting Ship heading towards asteroid
Final Project - Enter the Temple
Made the classic arcade game Asteroids in 3D.