CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2020 |
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The Legend of Aiko: Onogoro IslandLab00a - Raise the Triangles This first image is my first 2D OpenGL and GLFW drawing. Lab00b - Bob Ross Time This part of lab00 is where we got freedom to create a scene with 2D OpenGL and GLFW graphics. Assignment 1 - Hoist Your Sign Created our name and hometown crest using OpenGL triangle primitives and practiced translations, rotations, and scaling. Lab01 - Animation and Mouse/Keyboard Interaction The Triforce shown changes color from gold to red when the left mouse button or 'c' are pressed. It's also continuously rotating and following the mouse position. Assignment 2 - Employee of the Month Created our hero with OpenGL primitives, with idle animation, arrow/ASDW movement, and mouse interactions. Profile picture on the left, shooting interaction/animation pictured on the right. Lab02 - Free Cam In this lab we learned how to set up a free camera the user can fly around a city we generated. Assignment 3 - The Main Attraction Created either our character or car, animated it's movement which is restricted by a world border, and implemented an arcball camera focused on it. Midterm Project - Enter the Park This project included 3D drawing and animation, cameras and viewports, shaders and VAOs, and lastly illumination components. Assignment 4 - Light Up the Night Implemented two point lights with the full Phong Illumination model. Assignment 5 - Sell Out Implemented a bezier curve for a creature to constantly follow around and texture shaders with a skybox. Assignment 6 - The Firework Show Implemented a fountain particle system, some set up for rain particle system, with a skybox. Assignment 7 - Get To The Gates Brought my ship back into a world, the ground plane is currently black and the world is in a skybox. Meant to have enemies in it but time simply did not allow it. Maybe soon I will finish and improve it. Final Project - Enter the Temple Made the classic arcade game Asteroids in 3D. | |