CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2019 |
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Torvesta![]() A1: Torvesta's banner, featuring the Armadyl Godword from Oldschool Runescape. This program (A1) simply creates the name and symbol of Torvest. ![]() A2: Torvesta, dressed in Void Knight armor holding a Heavy Ballista. This program (A2) has the character which can move around the screen with the arrow keys, when going out of the screen they wrap onto a new background image. Aditionally they have an idle animation as well as fire a javelin at the cursor when the screen is left clicked. Shift + Left click results in a speciial, faster shot. ![]() SQ1: A knock-off of the missile command game. In this game you must shoot missiles to defend against other oncoming missiles and protect your base. You have 10 lives and the goal is to last the longest you can before losing all 10 lives. Red missiles are the enemies while the blue is yours. ![]() A3: 3D moveable character This program allows you to move the 3D character around a small grid map with some towers. It also contains a minimap in the corner. ![]() A4: Fairy This program includes everything from A3, plus there is a fairy (the little blue dot) that follows an imported bezier curve around the hero. The control cage of the curve and the curve itself are also toggleable! ![]() ![]() FP: Haunted house This program allows you to explore the grounds of luigi's mansion as green mario! you are equipped with a flashlight and can move around the scene. | |