CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2019

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Picture of two triforces
This is a drawing of two triforces.

Picture of what my ride for Hanan Pacha will look like

This is a basic drawing of what my ride for Hanan Pacha can look like. The person will ride on a boat on a river, and there will be a forest and grasslands surrounding the ride. The green triangles indicate trees on that part of land.

Drawing of my name with my crest

This is a drawing of my hero name for my class Computer Graphics, with its corresponding crest that I designed.

Drawing of my character

This is a drawing of my character. It can move using the arrow keys. You click or hold the left button to change the color of its torso and its legs. It moves in the opposite direction of the cursor's movement.

Drawing of a 3D boat in city

This is a drawing of a 3D boat. It can be moved forward and backward using 'w' and 's' respectively. It can be rotated clockwise and anti-clockwise using 'a' and 'd' respectively. The camera can be rotated around the boat using the cursor and it follows the boat wherever it goes. You can left click to drag the camera around the boat. You can also press Ctrl + left mouse click where if you drag it to the left, then zoom in. If you drag it to the right, then zoom out.

Platform Game

This is a drawing of a game I made where the goal is to jump over each rectangular obstacle using the up arrow button. The background is moving automatically so the user only needs to jump. The user is only given one life and if the user is able to get 5000 points, then he/she wins. If the character touches any of the obstacles, then it's game over.

Faery going along a curve

This is a 3D model of a red circle travelling along the blue curve. The curve can be toggled by pressing "1" on the keyboard, and the green and yellow outline that outlines the blue curve can be toggled by pressing "2" in the keyboard. It rotates and follows the vehicle that it's adjacent to. The circle will move constantly and will reset after it has reached the end of the curve.

Faery going along a curve

This is a 3D model of a roller coaster where two characters ride along the coaster using the Bezier curve. You can alternate between each character to get the view. One character moves freely along the terrain.

Blank Screen

This is a skybox where you can add an .obj file and it will draw it and will be illuminated using Blinn-Phong. Right now a monkey's head is drawn.


This is a skybox where it has a snowflake floating on the top. It's supposed to have a fountain where it makes snowflakes and have them rise and fall like water coming out of a fountain, but the code is not able to do that yet.

The Knight of Hanan Pacha

This is a group project where in a team of 3 we made a game where you play as a knight and your goal is to kill the enemy knights. You can lose the game by being slain by the enemy knights or by falling off the castle. The only weapon you and your enemies have is a sword.