CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2018

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Tanis Alister

To test our understanding of OpenGl primatives, we completed Lab00. Below is the screen-clipping for Lab00a:

With this knowledge, we were then given the opportunity to model our track. The result can be seen below:

Challenging us even further, we were requested to build a banner. Thus, the banner for Tanis Alister:

Lab01 sought to teach us how to apply user input to graphics rendering, creating changing animations. This makes these programs difficult to capture, but seen below is a pyramid identical to one seen from Lab00. This pyramid will follow the mouse cursor while it is in the window, while constantly rotating clockwise. In addition, it changes color from gold to red when the left mouse button is clicked. The difference in color can be seen between the two images below.

Following Lab01, the homework assignment A02 also focused on animation and user input. In this assignment, I designed and rendered my character Tanis Alister who can be seen in the first image below. He is exploring the maps submitted by all the students in the class using keyboard input. While he is exploring, he is waving with his left hand to all those he meets. But since there are dangers in unknown territories, he also has a magic amulet. This amulet causes him to glow and allows him to shoot a magic beam out of his right hand. The beam is directed by the cursor, and activated by the mouse button. He can also make the amulet to glow by pressing 'c' on the keyboard.

This program takes the maps built in a previous lab and renders the character Tanis Alister on one of the maps. The character is capable of moving via keyboard commands, while waving his arm at those around. The character's right arm will follow the cursor and fire a magic beam from their amulet if the mouse button is clicked. Following the character are dangerous ghosts. The only thing that can defeat the ghosts is the magic amulet. The goal is for Tanis to survive as long as possible with the help of the user. The user gains points for each ghost defeated and Tanis gains power and levels. Be careful though, the more ghosts defeated the stronger they become! A screen clipping of the game can be seen below.

Assingment 03: Travel to Findias
This program is a forest map with a vehicle at it's center. The user can drive this vehicle through the forest, moving forward and back and turning the vehicle to change it's heading. It can be seen that as the vehicle moves the wheels move with it. In addition, the user can move the camera around the vehicle as well as zoom in and out. The map can be seen below:

And this is the actual vehicle:

This program takes an input file of control points and maps them. It then uses these control points to build a Bezier Curve. A seven control point file example can be seen below with the control points and their connecting lines in green and yellow and the Bezier curve in blue.

Assingment 04: Outrun the Fairies
This program builds an interactive graphical environment. In the environment, a grid is built to model the ground and trees are built to random heights and locations to represent a forest. In this forest is a vehicle with a fairy floating around it. The bath for this fairy is built off of a series of points the program read from a corresponding program. These points are are shown and the resulting Bezier Curve that is calculated from these control points is also shown. The user can make the control points, Bezier Curve, and fairy disappear as well as drive the vehicle through the forest. The vehicle on its own can be seen below:

This is the vehicle with just the fairy:

This is with everything visible:

This ueses texture to color different objects. Below are an example of a teapot and and a wall textured with the CSM logo.

Midterm Project: Super Mario Cart
This program builds a small world in which three cars are racing for a cup. One of the cars is free roaming while the other two follow curved tracks. The map with the vehicles can be seen below:

Final Project:
This program is a 3D version of the game Snake. In this game, there a snake with the head of a monkey and a small glowing pellet on a grid. The player's objective is to direct the snake around the grid board to eat the pellet. After a pellet is eaten, the snake grows in size and a new pellet appears. This continues until the snake hits the edge of the grid or it's own body, at which point the player loses. To win the game, the player must grow the snake to the entire size of the board. The head of teh snake can be seen below:

The snake can be seen below after it has grown:

This is the Mines logo!