CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2018

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These are screenshots of the result of the first lab. The second image is the home track, The Figure 9.
This is a screenshot of the Hero's banner. It is made entirely using OpenGL primitives, and mostly is comprised of simple shapes arranged in strange positions.

This is a screenshot of the Hero in a triforced environment, which is animated and able to be interacted with in the second assignment. It is based on a character in a Estonian short film, missing some things that would be hard to express with OpenGL shape primitives. Interaction is done with a mouse press (enlarging the Hero), mouse movement (moving the eyes), and key presses (moves the Hero).

This is the screenshot of the third assignment, where you are able to control the Hero's vehicle in a three-dimensional environment. The vehicle is a unicycle made out of the three-dimensional primitives provided in the CSCI441 library, and the movement was devised using lots of sinusoidal stuff. Interaction is done with the keyboard, to move and rotate the vehicle, and the mouse, to move the camera around. An arcball camera is used to ease the display of the vehicle as you move across the environment.

This is the screenshot of the fourth assignment, which is an extension to the third one. A Faery has been added to the landscape, which travels in a Bezier curve sequence around the vehicle. The points are brought in by a file as groups of 4 points where the last point is shared by the first point of the next group. Assignment 3's description is otherwise equivalent.

This is the screenshot of the Super Mario Kart assignment, which is a culmination of what we've learned for the first half of the course. The vehicle traverses along a Bezier surface specified by vertices read in from a file. There are two other vehicles that travel along a Bezier curve, one traveling in equal arc-lengths, and one travelling at fixed intervals from the curve as a function of time. The scenery is made of three-dimensional primitives, as is everything else in the display. The same description from Assignment 3 also applies.