CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2018

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Dr Flubelious Zibuitz IV

This is a banner which pulls elements from the home world of Dr. Flub Zib IV. He lives in hackerspace where all you need is a jamming 80's soundtrack to hack into anything.
The Sun is generated with a fanned triangle "circle" where the color is set according to the angle of triangle currently being drawn.
The stars are procedurally generated by drawing small fan circles, this randomness is seeded so that the same results are observed every time.
The sea is drawn with a black rectangle and cyan lines overlayed. These lines Are procedurally generated by keeping the Y intercepts the same, but changing the X intercept with an angle proportional to the distance from the center of the image.


To travel around hackerspace, Dr. Flub Zib uses the BIOATS: Basic Input/Output And Transportation System. This allows him to hack far and wide to places unknown.
The Ocean is precedurally generated and animated in real time using a math formula involving lots of sine waves.
The BIOATS rocks back and fourth as it travels through the waves.
Dr. Flub Zib stays mostly steady when traveling at sea, but sways with the boat slightly
The background details were freedrawn in MS paint.


This is the teapot bike. In hackerspace, teapots are the primary for of land transportation as they leaf hackers many options for Utah related festivities.

This is a friend that was aquired along the way. It's talents are calculating the mathmatics of bezier curves and baking.

This is a beautiful statue on display in a chapel. It's shaded with a gourad shader which takes advantage of the fact that specular and diffuse light are the same if you light source is always the same as the camera.

This is a particle simulation of snow. The snow falls from the sky and as it gets closer to the ground it floats side to side. The snow also bounce off of the ground one time before the die.

This is the OreKart racing game prototype. In it you are a student collecting beverages and running from police. Depicted here is you, nearest to the beverage, the beverage(coors banquet), and police (b&w balls).

For out final project we have created OreKart racing. An exciting game where you pull around an orekart and collect beers. In the middle of the map we have a wonderful Temple which is lighted based on the beer locations. We have beers which are collected for a great time. You pull an OreKart with a rope.

As you collect beers your vision becomes more impaired and you have to navigate the land for beer exploration while avoiding police officers.

And, if you perform a secret action, an M will appear on one of the mountains.