CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2018

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"Clutch Redline"

***********************ASSIGNMENT 1: Print Your Swag!***********************

In this assignment, I drew (using openGL primitives) the banner
for my hero, Clutch Redline! The code uses translations, rotations,
and scaling to achieve the screenshot below:

***********************ASSIGNMENT 2: Go for a Spin!*************************

In this assignment, I drew my hero, Clutch Redline! He smokes a
big cigar and can shoot red or blue fireballs from it! His eyebrows
always move because all he drinks is black coffee.
Here is our hero, Clutch, in his home track: The Hot Wheels Hyper Loop Extreme!

Here is our hero shooting a red fireball out of his cigar!

***********************ASSIGNMENT 3: Travel to Findias!*********************************************

In this assignment, I drew our hero's hoverboard. The oval
surrounding the hoverboard is a magnetic field that deflects
incoming metallic debris, including other vehicles. As he moves
forward his vehicle spits fire from the back. The world shown
is his home track, the Hotwheels Hyper Loop Extreme!!!

***********************ASSIGNMENT 4: Outrun the Faeries!********************************************

In this assignment, I used the last assignment's results. as a base
for this assignment. In Clutch's desert, there is a blue and yellow
faery that chases our hero following a Bezier curve. The curve is shown
in blue, and the control points are green. The control points can be toggled
with a '1', and the curve can be toggled with a '2'.
The faery itself is only a blue sphere and a yellow cube that flutters around
the character. This is because, in my world, faeries are only made of energy, and
have no physical form!
Here are a few screenshots of the latest assignment!

Here is the bezier curve with the control points

Here is the bezier curve without the control points

Here is the scene without the curve. Note the blue and yellow shapes are the faery!

***********************SUPER MARIO KART - CLUTCH EDITION!*******************************************

In this project, my clan and I created our own version of Super Mario Kart!
This version of the game includes the characters Clutch Redline, Tyrr, and
Arivya. Clutch and Tyrr are busy riding around the track, while Arivya is
free to roam about the lands! Arivya (the red car) stays normal to the bezier
surfaces that make up the world. Clutch and Tyrr ride around the track, also
defined by bezier curves. Additionally, many different viewports and cameras were
Used in the making of this game!
Here are a few screenshots of the project:

************************ASSIGNMENT 5: SHOW OFF THE TROPHY!*******************************************

In this assignment, I implemented a nice looking skybox and lighting using shaders!
This was a challenge, but Clutch Redline can do anything he puts his mind to! The
trophy has some nice lighting, and is rainbow colored. The effort that Clutch's team
made out on the race track was sure worth the trophy!

This is the trophy looking out at the world!

OOOOOhh Shiny!

************************ASSIGNMENT 6: Fireworks Show!*******************************************

In this assignment, I implemented a pretty sweet particle system (fire fountain)!
It looks like Suzanne the Trophy tried to do some yard work for Clutch, but it isn't going well! The
sprinklers are now spitting out fire! Now Clutch isn't sure if the trophy was worth
all of the effort of the race...

"Did I do that?..."

************************ASSIGNMENT 7: Smokey and the Bandits!*******************************************

In this assignment, I implemented a simple 3D game with collision detection!
Did you know that Suzanne likes to dance? Neither did I. Well she break-dances
and it's a little disturbing...anyhow, can you help her make it to the other end
of the dancefloor without getting smushed?

************************Final Project - Pacman!*******************************************

For our final project, our clan (same group as SMK) implemented 3D Pacman!
We used unique shader programs to implement spot lights, as well as cell shading
Additionally we used mesh deformation to animate the ghosts. The power pellets
need to be fully collected to win before you lose and a ghost eats you! Below is a
screenshot of the final product: