Assignment 4 - Sunshine Marble Madness App

This app is a game of my own creation using the accelerometer and light level sensors.
The ball will accelerate in accordance to the readings of the device's accelerometer.
The device's accelerometer reads Earth's gravity so the ball will want to fall in the direction of Earth's gravity which is down. The user can affect which parts of the screen the ball will most likely go by rotating/moving the device.

The goal of the game is to get the ball fully inside the good hole.
If the user gets their ball fully inside of the good hole(green hole), then they win.
If the user gets their ball fully inside of the bad hole(red hole), then they lose.

The user's ball, the good hole, and the bad hole change sizes according the current light level that the device is reading.
If the device is reading a high light level, the user's ball, the good hole, and the bad hole will be large.
If the device is reading a low light level, the user's ball, the good hole, and the bad hole will be small.

To make the game more challenging both the good hole and bad hole will move randomly across the screen.

Below is a screenshot showing what happens when the light sensor reads a high light value

High light level screenshot

Below is a screenshot showing what happens when the light sensor reads a low light value

Low light level screenshot

Below is a screenshot showing what happens when the user wins

Low light level screenshot