CSCI 444/544 - Advanced Computer Graphics

Spring 2019

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"Assignment 1 Blinn-Phong Shaders"

This assignment was to create a graphics program that used multiple programs with multiple subroutines for two lighting models. The first program uses Phong lighting while the second uses Gourad lighting. Both programs have access to two spectical lighting methodes: the Phong illumination model and the Blinn-Phong Illumintion model. In addition to these lighting and illumination models, data was also moved between the cpu and gpu through the use of buffers. Vertex data was passed via vertex array objects (VAO), and vertex buffer objects (VBO). To limit the total data required to be transmited, an index buffer object (IBO) was used in conjunction with the VBO. Furthermore, uniforms were set through the use of uniform buffer objects (UBOs). These uniforms included transformation matrixies, light position and color data, and camera position data to facilitate projecting a cube.