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CSCI 262: Data Structures Spring 2018


Asking for Help

First, try Piazza!
First, try Piazza!
First, try Piazza!

You might get help fastest via a classmate on Piazza. Your instructors will be looking at Piazza, too, and will usually respond fairly quickly. When you post on Piazza, please do not post complete programs or solutions; try to ask or answer questions without code first, or use only the smallest amount of code necessary to get your question or point across. We'll talk in class about incremental development of your code, which should help keep things in small chunks.

Once you've tried Piazza, if you still have questions, you can contact your instructor directly for help. You should also feel free to contact your instructor at anytime about any concerns which you aren't comfortable sharing on Piazza.

There will also be regularly scheduled TA help sessions - these will be posted on the course home page.


Here are some websites to keep handy while you are programming:

Cheat Sheets

New to Cloud9/linux command line? Need help with gdb? Download and print these handy cheat sheets:

Getting Started with C++

Practice Problems

Need more practice, or just want to challenge yourself? Try Kattis!

Advanced Users

For this class we will be using the Cloud9 development environment for building and running our C++ code. However, if you would like to experiment with building software on your own platform, you can find a (somewhat outdated) guide here. It explains the overall process of building software, describes the various tools you might want to use and where to get them (for Windows, Mac OS X, and linux), and then gives a guide to using some of the tools, including:

Note that, whatever tool you use for development, your code must compile and run correctly in the Cloud9 environment.