CSCI 261 - Programming ConceptsSpring 2019 - Lab 2E - RPS: And The Winner IsQuick Links: Canvas | Mines | Piazza | zyBooks |
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This lab is due by Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 11:59 PM. Make a copy of Lab2D's main.cpp and place it as the starting point for Lab2E. Rock Paper Scissors Part IIIAt the end of Lab2D, our program looked like follows:
Welcome one and all to a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors! (Enter P, R or
Player one: p Player choose Paper Computer choose Rock The final step of our game is to determine who actually won. This handy chart will be your guide. ![]() Add a final line of output that prints a line following this pattern: X beats Y. Z wins!
Where X and Y are one of "rock" or "scissors" or "paper" and Z is either "Human" or "Computer". Be sure to handle ties appropriately too. And now, we have a fully functioning Rock, Paper, Scissors game! Great job!
Welcome one and all to a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors! (Enter P, R or
Player one: R Player choose Rock Computer choose Paper Paper beats Rock. Computer wins! Extra Credit! Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, SpockFor extra credit, expand your program to play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. Feel free to practice a few games to fully understand what beats what. Below is the logic. You will notice there are more ways to win or lose and a smaller possibility to tie. ![]() Lab SubmissionYou will submit your solution to this lab with the rest of Set2. Detailed instructions for doing this are posted in Assignment 2. This lab is due by Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 11:59 PM. | |
Last Updated: 09/13/18 17:32