CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts

Fall 2018 - Lab 4D - Towers of Hanoi

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This lab is due by Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 11:59 PM.

We will once again use the AutoGrader to test our recursive function. Note you must be connected to the Mines network in order to access the AutoGrader website (this means you need to use the VPN if off campus). Once logged in, choose "CSCI 261 Programming Concepts" and this lab.

Begin by reviewing the recursive solution to this task. Once you feel comfortable with the process, now return to the AutoGrader. A partial solution has been started for you. Your job is to correct this implementation so that the function is called recursively properly and solves the Towers of Hanoi task. Reminder that clicking on the red bars will tell you the syntax error or expected output.

What To Turn In

Back in CLion land, create a file called main.cpp for a Lab4D project. Inside this main, copy your solution from the AutoGrader and paste it into this file. Be sure to include your partner's name in the header of the file. Also be sure that you have pressed Submit and Save in the AutoGrader with all tests successfully passing.

Lab Submission

You will submit your solution to this lab with the rest of Set4. Detailed instructions for doing this are posted in Assignment 4.

This lab is due by Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 11:59 PM.

Last Updated: 09/18/18 19:18

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