Select the appropriate group for names, emails, and times.
Time | Section | Room | Instructor |
09:00 AM - 09:50 AM | A | MZ 026 | Dr. Phil Romig promig3 {at} mines (dot) edu |
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM | B | CK 130 | Dr. Jeffrey Paone jpaone {at} mines (dot) edu Course Coordinator |
C | MZ 026 | Clark Scholten cscholten {at} mines (dot) edu |
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM | D | MZ 026 | Clark Scholten cscholten {at} mines (dot) edu |
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM | E | MZ 022 | Dr. Phil Romig promig3 {at} mines (dot) edu |
Lead TAs
Bethany Barrett (Lead TA)
bethanygracebarrett {at} mines (dot) edu
bethanygracebarrett {at} mines (dot) edu
Evan Economou (Lead TA)
eeconomou {at} mines (dot) edu
eeconomou {at} mines (dot) edu
Paddy Aither
padraic_aither {at} mines (dot) edu
padraic_aither {at} mines (dot) edu
Westly Bouchard
westly_bouchard {at} mines (dot) edu
westly_bouchard {at} mines (dot) edu
Sang Bui
sang_bui {at} mines (dot) edu
sang_bui {at} mines (dot) edu
Benjamin Burghardt
bburghhardt {at} mines (dot) edu
bburghhardt {at} mines (dot) edu
Rhys Cadwallader
rhys_cadwallader {at} mines (dot) edu
rhys_cadwallader {at} mines (dot) edu
Landon Dixon
lpdixon {at} mines (dot) edu
lpdixon {at} mines (dot) edu
Conor Duniway
cduniway {at} mines (dot) edu
cduniway {at} mines (dot) edu
Maxwell Gross
maxwell_gross {at} mines (dot) edu
maxwell_gross {at} mines (dot) edu
John Koch
john_d_koch {at} mines (dot) edu
john_d_koch {at} mines (dot) edu
Nakshatra Londhe
nakshatra_londhe {at} mines (dot) edu
nakshatra_londhe {at} mines (dot) edu
Andy Lu
an_lu {at} mines (dot) edu
an_lu {at} mines (dot) edu
Geoffrey Morgan
geoffrey_morgan {at} mines (dot) edu
geoffrey_morgan {at} mines (dot) edu
Henry Oehlrich
henry_oehlrich {at} mines (dot) edu
henry_oehlrich {at} mines (dot) edu
Tony Peonio
tony_peonio {at} mines (dot) edu
tony_peonio {at} mines (dot) edu
Caleb Tonk
caleb_tonk {at} mines (dot) edu
caleb_tonk {at} mines (dot) edu
Contact the TA that left you feedback by email and CC Dr. Paone if you have questions concerning your grades. You must raise any issue regarding a grade within one week of when the grade was returned.
Office Hours & Tutor Schedule
Below are the office hours for all of the CSCI 200 instructors and tutors. You are welcome to attend any (or all) of the listed hours. You do not need to only go to your instructor - go to the times that fit your schedule. Please come with a question prepared as office hours can become quite busy (especially later in the semester).
Tutors will wear grey CS@Mines T-shirts.
Time | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8-9 | ||||||
9-10 | ||||||
10-11 | Dr. Paone Office Hours CTLM 246H |
11-12 | ||||||
12-1 | Prof. Scholten Office Hours CTLM 246F |
Prof. Scholten Office Hours CTLM 246F |
Prof. Scholten Office Hours CTLM 246F |
1-2 | Dr. Paone Office Hours CTLM 246H |
2-3 | Dr. Romig Office Hours CTLM 251 |
Dr. Romig Office Hours CTLM 251 |
3-4 | ||||||
4-5 | ||||||
5-6 | Tutoring CoorsTek 370 Evan, Sang, Westly |
Tutoring CTLM 156 Ben, Bethany, Henry, Landon |
Tutoring CoorsTek 370 Ben, Evan, Geoffrey |
Tutoring CTLM 156 Andy, Landon, Rhys, Westly |
6-7 | Tutoring CTLM 156 Caleb, John, Paddy |
7-8 | Tutoring CoorsTek 282 Conor, Max, Nakshatra |
Tutoring CTLM 156 Conor, Paddy, Rhys, Tony |
Tutoring CoorsTek 370 Bethany, Caleb, Max |
8-9 |