CSCI 200 - Summer 2023
Foundational Programming Concepts & Design

Best Practices

Best Practices To Follow

· Code Style · Code Correctness · Code Structure · Dynamic Memory Management · Software Engineering Design Principles ·

Code Style

The following set of guidelines ensure all code in this class will be written in a similar and consistent manner, allowing any reader to understand the program's intent and contents.

Code Correctness

The following set of guidelines ensure all programs written in this class behave properly without side effects.

Code Structure

The following set of guidelines ensure all programs written in this class are done in an abstracted, modular, extendable, and flexible manner.

Dynamic Memory Management

The following set of guidelines ensure all programs written in this class behave properly without side effects.

Software Engineering Design Principles

The following set of guidelines ensure all program components written in this class are done in an abstracted, modular, extendable, and flexible manner.