CSCI 102 - Intro to Computer Science LAB

Python Assignment

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Week 11 Python Assignment
Due by Tuesday, November 16th, 2021
        Part A: Function Practice (submit to Gradescope by 11:45pm)
        (No Part B)

Welcome to your assignment for Week 11 of CSCI 102! Each week, after Studio, you should work on that week's homework assignment (lab). This lab is to be done on your own (not pair programming), and needs to be completed and submitted to Gradescope no later than 11:45 PM on the due date. Unlike CSCI 101, we will place all assignments for a given week on one HTML page. This is your Week 11 CSCI 102 Assignment page.

Good news: only ONE 102 lab assignment this week.

Function Practice! (6 points)

To get started, open IDLE and create a New File via the File menu. We suggest you immediately save this file in the directory managing all your 102 Python Labs this semester. Please save this file with the following name:

The purpose of this lab is to create the following five functions (with the function names listed) in the linked file above.
  1. print_output - The input to this function is a string. The output of the function is the word "OUTPUT" followed by the input string. Here's an example of using this function:
    >>> print_output("Hello World")
    OUTPUT Hello World
  2. triangle_hypotenuse - The input to this function is two numerical values which represent two side lengths of a right triangle. The function should (1) compute the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle (two decimal places) and (2) call your print_output function to print the result (two decimal places). Here are two examples of using this function:
    >>> triangle_hypotenuse(3,4)
    OUTPUT 5.00
    >>> triangle_hypotenuse(4.2,7.8)
    OUTPUT 8.86
  3. feet_to_meters - The input to this function is a number that represents the number of feet. The function should then (1) convert the number of feet to meters and (2) call your print_output function to print the result (four decimal places). Note: 1 ft is equal to 0.3048 meters. Here's an example of using this function:
    >>> feet_to_meters(10)
    OUTPUT 3.0480
  4. polar_coords - The input to this function is two vales (x,y) representing cartesian coordinates. The function should then (1) convert the coordinates to the equivalent location in polar coordinates (search Google for this conversion, if needed) and (2) call your print_output function (twice) to print the result (two decimal places). Note: Be sure to output your degrees in deg (not radians). Here's an example of using this function:
    >>> polar_coords(12,5)
    OUTPUT r: 13.00
    OUTPUT theta: 22.62
  5. dollars_to_euros - The input to this function is the amount something costs in Dollars. The function should then (1) convert the amount to euros (rounded down to two decimal places) and (2) call your print_output function to print the result. Assume one Dollar is worth 0.86 Euros. Here's an example of using this function:
    >>> dollars_to_euros(10)
    OUTPUT 8.60

    • The code you submit to Gradescope should only contain your created functions.
    • Our test script will call your functions with the function names listed above. You will not receive credit for a function call if your function name does not match the name above.

Gradescope Submission Nuances

Part A will ONLY be submitted to Gradescope (you will NOT demo this lab in class).
When you submit your Python file to Gradescope, multiple different test cases are run on your code. Passing all of the tests results in a 100% on the autograded portion of the lab.

You are allowed to submit to Gradescope four times (or less) for this lab. The maximum grade of your submissions will be your grade for the lab. Note: If your code doesn’t work (e.g., a syntax error exists, or an error is thrown in execution), then you will receive an AUTOMATIC ZERO. You should test your code before submitting to ensure it executes correctly.


All Python files should include a header with your name, section, assignment info, references (i.e., who did you collaborate with on this assignment?; what resource did you use?), and approximate time taken to do the assignment. Be sure to cite any allowed external references used to complete the assignment. Any code without this header will lose 1 point. Here's an example:

        #  Tracy Camp
        #  CSCI 102 – Section E
        #  Week 11 Lab
        #  References: None
        #  Time: 25 minutes

Submit Solutions

Follow these steps to submit your files to Gradescope.
  1. In Gradescope, go to CSCI 102 > Week11 and upload only
To receive full credit, your code must execute in Python 3, you must submit a single file for the assignment (your Python code file), and you should submit one file with only your functions in it.

Whenever you submit something to Gradescope, we strongly recommend you always double check what you submitted actually got submitted correctly (e.g., did the file upload correctly? did you submit the correct file? etc.) If your submission is incorrect, it's on you.