CSCI445 Web Programming Fall 2021

Course Personnel


Dr. Cyndi Rader

Office/Phone: no campus presence
Email: crader {at} mines [dot] edu
Office Hours:
    M 4 PM - 5 PM (zoom: 793-6628-6965),
    or By Appointment.
Please email ahead of time, I will likely ask you to send files.



Email: TBD {at} mines {dot} edu



Be sure to experiment with this webpage. Thanks to Dr. Paone, it is both mobile friendly (will adapt to your screen size) and supports dark mode (if your browser & device support it). We will cover these, and many more, topics during the semester!


Welcome to CSCI 445 - Web Programming! You'll notice this website is light on details. All information will become available in Canvas at the beginning of the semester. Until then, sit tight and let the excitement grow!