CSCI 406: Grading

Grading Rubric

  1. Three Exams, 100 pts each. Total: 300 pts.
    • Exam 1 on Chapters 1 and 2.
    • Exam 2 on Chapters 3 and 4.
    • Exam 3 on Chapter 8.
  2. Final Exam on Chapters 5, 6 and 9: 200 pts.
  3. Projects: 400 pts.
    • TSP Project (individual): 100 pts.
    • AlgoBOWL project (group): 100 pts.
    • Dynamic Programming Project (group): 75 pts.
    • Mad Maze Project (individual): 125 pts.
    There will be a deduction of 20% of total points for each working day late a project is submitted.
  4. Homework Assignments (individual), these are problems from the text: 50 pts.
    Late homeworks will not be accepted. You may collaborate on HWs with your classmates, but you must list the names of students with whom you worked. Please add a blank cover sheet with just your name if you wish to protect the privacy of your HW grade.
  5. In-class Worksheets (individual): 50 pts.
    Most classes will have a small in-class task related to the material covered in that class. These must be turned in during class for credit.

Grading Procedures

How will group projects be graded?

There will be two components to the grade for a group project.
  1. The professor will assign a score based on the quality of the work.
  2. Each group member will provide effort percentages based on their assessment of each member’s contribution. The professor will generally use the average of the effort percentages; if there are significant discrepancies or conflicts, the professor will interview group members and determine appropriate effort percentages.
Your individual grade will be a combination of both components.
Example: A project is worth 50 points. The professor assign the project a score of 40 points. Suppose the group assigns effort percentages of 40%, 40%, and 20% to its three members A, B, and C, respectively. Then A and B will have a grade of 0.4 × 40 × 3 = 48 points. C will receive 0.2×40×3 = 24 points. Student’s scores will be capped at the total number of points possible for the assignment. Suppose the effort percentages for A, B, and C were 50%, 30%, and 20%. Then, based on the calculation above, A gets 0.5 × 40 × 3 = 60 pts. However, A’s grade will be capped at the 50pts alloted to the project.

How are homeworks and projects to be submitted?

Hard copies of homeworks and project reports (this is not applicable to AlgoBOWL) are due at the beginning of class on the assigned date. We do not use blackboard for submissions and will not accept homeworks or projects by email. The professor will only make exceptions for excused absences.

How will final grades be assigned?