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Table of contents

  1. Course Summary
  2. Assignments
    1. Weekly Reading Assignments
    2. In-Class Presentations
    3. Semester Project
  3. Grades

Course Summary

We will review the state of the art and discuss future directions in database design and data management for the Internet of Things and cyberphysical systems, as well as examine interesting open problems in the space. The course will consist of weekly readings of research papers and in-class discussions on a variety of topics including data modeling, data integration, federated databases and system design for heterogeneous data analysis. Students will develop a research project of their own design over the course of the semester.

At time of writing, class will be held in-person in Alderson Hall (AH) 130.


Weekly Reading Assignments

One of the primary goals of this class is to read frequently and deeply. A number of papers — usually 2 — will be assigned for each class. Students are responsible for reading each of these papers before the class discussion. It is not required to understand everything in each paper, but it is expected that students supplement their knowledge as part of the work for the course, or come prepared with questions. Office hours are an excellent resource to get guidance on unfamiliar topics.

For each paper assigned, a brief reading assignment will be due on Canvas by 9:00am Mountain Time the day the paper is to be discussed. The intent of these assignments is inspire a critical reading of the paper both in general and in the context of the course topic. Write as much as you feel is necessary to get your point across, but generally less than a page is sufficient.

Each student can miss 3 papers without penalty.

In-Class Presentations

Each assigned paper will be presented by a student in the course. A sign-up sheet will be sent around at the beginning of the semester so students can plan ahead which days they plan to present a paper. This schedule is not set in stone: students can swap or exchange presentation assignments as long as the instructor is made aware.

The goal of each presentation is to:

  • (briefly) summarize the paper including its key contributions and assumptions
  • discuss how the paper differs from and/or improves on prior work
  • review the paper’s evaluation methods and results
  • provide a set of discussion questions tying the paper to the course theme of data management for CPS and IoT

Semester Project

Students will undertake a research project over the course of the semester related to data management for CPS/IoT. Students may work alone or in teams. Some project ideas will be provided, but students are strongly encouraged to develop their own ideas or incorporate their own pre-existing research into the course project. Students will present their research to the class in the form of a short presentation and will document their research in a conference-length report to be submitted at the end of the semester. The intent of the report is to give students practice in preparing and writing up publication-worthy work. Students are encouraged to submit advanced high-quality work for publication at a recognized venue.


Grade breakdown is as follows:

  • Participation in in-class discussions (10%)
  • Semester project (60%):
    • Project proposal (5%)
    • Project status presentation (5%)
    • Project reviews and mock TPC (10%)
    • Project report (40%)
  • Reading assignments (30%)