CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development (Android)

Spring 2021

Lucas Kitaev

Home Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4

Assignment 1

This app is a simple quiz game that features true/false, multiple choice, and free response (one word) questions. Answering correctly awards the player a single point, and answering incorrectly awards the player zero points. The player is unable to answer a question more than once.

All of the questions and answers are stored in a special "string" resource file that allows for the app to easily be translated to other languages. There is a Question class that contains the type of question, and which resources belong to the question. The quiz stores the list of questions, and keeps track of the current question and score in order to display them to the player. When the player answers a question, the quiz code uses the resource identifiers to determine if the player has answered the question correctly, and performs the corresponding actions.

Assignment 2

This app is the classic game of tic-tac-toe. You can play against a human or the computer. Additionally, the app keeps track of your win/loss/draw history.

Assignment 3

This app allows you to record your current location and keep track of locations you have previously recorded. Locations are plotted on a map using markers, and you can view the weather at each location by tapping on a marker. The navigation drawer can be used to view the history of recorded locations in a list format, as well as view the weather forecast at your current location.

Assignment 4

This app is a simple game where the goal is to navigate the ball into the green hole while avoiding the red hole. The ball is controlled by the accelerometer, and the background changes color based on the ambient light level.

© Lucas Kitaev