CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development (Android)

Spring 2021 - Final Project - There's An App For That

Quick Links

· Elevator Pitch · Shark Tank · Team Formation · Proposal · Storyboards ·
· Alpha Release · Alpha Feedback · Beta Release · Beta Feedback ·
· Final Release · Website & Video · Final Report · Team Feedback · Final Presentation ·
· Deploy to Play Store ·

· Deliverables & Deadlines · Grading Rubric · Submission Process ·

For the Final Project, you and a team will create the app you've always dreamed of. The app content is completely open-ended and up to you. As the semester progresses, more information will be added to this page.

Part I - Elevator Pitch

The time is now! You've had this idea for a killer app that will make millions, but you never knew how to make it. This will be your chance. Unfortunately, your idea is too grand for you to implement by yourself. But don't worry, we have a team of developers at your disposal. The only catch, you need to convince them that you have the coolest app.

To do so, create a 30 second promotional video detailing your idea. Upload this video to Canvas. It is OK if there is already an existing app that does what you want to do. Try to improve it, add features you wish it had, etc. However, your app should not be a direct clone of the existing app. Make yours different and standout (something beyond a new color scheme).

Part II - Shark Tank

You will be assigned 10 random promo videos to watch and provide a brief review.

Part III - Team Formation

Now that everyone has heard all the ideas, the Sharks have decided that they will only fund 23 apps. You must now get together into teams of 3 and decide which of your three apps you will implement.

Each member of your team needs to submit a text document with the following information:

  1. Team Name
  2. Team Members
  3. Whose app you are creating
  4. App Name
  5. One paragraph description of what the app will do

You will expand upon this document in the next deliverable.

Part IV - Proposals

Your team needs to come up with a company name and a catchy name for your app. The team must submit an app proposal that states the following:

  1. Company Name
  2. Team Members
  3. App Name
  4. Description of the App - What does it do? How will a user interact with the app? What service does it provide?
  5. Database Usage - What information will need to persist? Is this data needed only for a single user and can be stored locally or is it needed across devices and needs to be stored in the cloud?
  6. Components/Features of the App - What Android features/functionality does the app make use of? (see list below)
  7. Planned distribution of labor - who will do what?
  8. Road map - how will you implement this app? What steps must be accomplished? Do these steps need to be performed in a specific order? Start thinking how you will build this.
  9. Deliverable Leaders - look below at all of the future deliverables that are team deliverables. There are six team deliverables to come. Each team member will be the deliverable lead who is responsible for making the team's submission. If the team deliverable is late or missing, then the lead will be docked the penalty (not the entire team). State who will be the lead for each deliverable. Each team member must be responsible for two deliverables.
  10. Anticipated Challenges - what could go wrong? What difficulties lie ahead?
  11. Sources - if any outside ideas contributed to the app idea, if you are using any 3rd party libraries. Give credit where credit is due.

Your app must meet the following specifications:

Your app must include at least three (3) of the following components:

Your team needs to submit a PDF document that contains the above information. It should be at least three pages in length. Full credit will only be given for a well written and professional report.

Part V - Storyboards

It's time to begin designing your app - specifically the look and feel of the app. You must create a storyboard showing the following aspects of your app:

This step will not involve any code writing. It is all planning and will form the basis of your NavGraph. You will start to get an idea of what your Fragments will be.

Your team needs to submit a PDF document that contains all the screens/states/transitions your app will contain. It can be hand drawn and scanned, or more professionally done.

Part VI - Alpha Release

It's now time to start coding up your app! The main target of the Alpha Release is to turn your Storyboards into a working NavGraph. Convert each storyboard into a fragment with corresponding layout. Hook up the buttons and events to allow the user to move through the app.

There does not need to be any domain functionality at this point. It is perfectly acceptable to have the following:

Your team will not have the knowledge yet to complete all the functionality. The Alpha Release is targeting creating the structure of your app. We will discuss in class that you need to hook up your app to Crashlytics reporting.

At a minimum, you must have an Alpha Release that serves as a proof of concept focusing on basic UI flow and functionality. A user should be able to navigate through the the app and view the different screens. No backend functionality need be, or should be, present.

Your team needs to submit the apk for your app, an icon if you created a custom one, and a README. The README document must contain the following items:

These three items will be zipped together and submitted to Canvas.

Part VII - Alpha Feedback

Each student will be randomly assigned three apps to review the Alpha Release of. Fill out the provided form for each app to provide helpful feedback to the development team. As you fill out the form, think about what sort of helpful feedback you would like to receive for your app and let the other teams know. Try to break their app. If you succeed, then let the team know in a gentle manner. Also provide the steps to reproduce what you did. Examples of feedback will include:

Every development team will receive feedback from 8-10 students. Instructions for performing reviews will follow.

To install an APK, with your device connected to Android Studio open up a terminal and run the following command

Part VIII - Beta Release

After receiving your first round of feedback, it is now your opportunity to respond to the comments left and fix any bugs that were discovered.

You must have a Beta Release that is an improvement upon your Alpha Release. This should include bug fixes, refactoring, modifications, improvements, and there should be SOME domain functionality in place.

Your team needs to submit the apk for your app, an icon if you created a custom one, and a README. The README document must contain the following items:

These three items will be zipped together and submitted to Canvas.

Part IX - Beta Feedback

Each student will be randomly assigned three apps to review the Beta Release of. Fill out the provided form for each app to provide helpful feedback to the development team. As you fill out the form, think about what sort of helpful feedback you would like to receive for your app and let the other teams know. Try to break their app. If you succeed, then let the team know in a gentle manner. Also provide the steps to reproduce what you did. Examples of feedback will include:

Every development team will receive feedback from 8-10 students.

Part X - Final Release

Take into account the feedback you received and address the errors/concerns that were raised. By this point you should have a polished app that not only accomplishes what you set out to do, but looks pretty slick as well. Your app should now be free of any bugs and does not unexpectedly crash. All functionality should be in place.

For this submission, you must now zip together your entire Android Studio project and upload all of your source code. Again include a README that states:

These items will be zipped together and submitted to Canvas.

Part XI - Website & Video

Make a company webpage that advertises your app. If someone was to visit this page, then convince them to download your app. Show off its features, show screenshots, tell them about all the cool stuff it does.

Additionally, make a short video advertisement for your app. While it does not need to be professional in quality, it needs to be professional in content. You should include it on your webpage. Android Studio allows you take take a screen cast of your app running. You can see examples of videos from last year's apps in the App Store.

Zip together all the files for your webpage, along with your video (if it's not on YouTube or Vimeo), and upload to Canvas.

Part XII - Final Report

Your final report must include all documents turned in to this point (proposal, storyboards, alpha release notes, beta release notes, final release notes). In addition, be sure your report addresses these points:

Upload a single PDF containing all of the above to Canvas.

Part XIII - Team Feedback

Each Team Member will provide feedback on the team experience. This will include division of labor and division of effort. How well did your team work together? Did everyone contribute equally towards the project? Did any problems arise throughout the process?

Part XIV - Final Presentation

During the Final Exam Time Slot, each team will give a 5 minute presentation demonstrating and selling their app. Your goal is to show off how cool your app is. Demo all of its features. Also give the audience an insight to the back-end, what's going on behind the scenes? What are the cool features and implementation details you included?

Additional details will follow.

Part XCI - Deploy to Play Store

Register as a Google developer and submit your app to the Play Store. Advertise your app everywhere! Extra points will be given based on the number of downloads your app receives. More downloads == more points!

Deliverables & Deadlines

Below is the timeline of deliverables. If Submission Type is listed as "Individual", then every team member is expected to provide a submission to Canvas. If Submission Type is listed as "Team", then the full submission only needs to be done by the deliverable lead member to Canvas. There are no late extensions on any of the final project deliverable deadlines. These are hard deadlines, penalties will be applied for late submissions. As we approach each deadline, additional details will be given as needed.

Deliverable ID Deliverable Item Due Date Submission Type
EP Elevator Pitch Thursday, January 21, 2021 Individual
ST Shark Tank Monday, January 25, 2021 Individual
TF Team Formation Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Individual
AP App Proposal Thursday, February 04, 2021 Team
SB Storyboards Friday, February 19, 2021 Team
AR Alpha Release Sunday, March 14, 2021 Team
AF Alpha Release Feedback Friday, March 19, 2021 Individual
BR Beta Release Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Team
BF Beta Release Feedback Thursday, April 15, 2021 Individual
FR Final Release Monday, May 10, 2021 Team
WV Website & Video Monday, May 10, 2021 Team
FT Final Report Monday, May 10, 2021 Team
FP Final Presentation Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Individual
FB Team Feedback Monday, May 10, 2021 Individual
PS Extra Credit: Deploy to Play Store Monday, May 10, 2021 Team


With this and all future assignments, you are expected to appropriately document your code. This includes writing comments in your source code - remember that your comments should explain what a piece of code is supposed to do and why; don't just re-write what the code says in plain English. Comments serve the dual purpose of explaining your code to someone unfamiliar with it and assisting in debugging. If you know what a piece of code is supposed to be doing, you can figure out where it's going awry more easily.

Proper documentation also means including a README.txt file with your submission. In your submission folder, always include a file called README.txt that lists:

Grading Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following rubric.

Component Percentage Requirement Description

1% Elevator Pitch submitted on time
1% Shark Tank Presentation performed
1% Team Formation submitted on time
1% App Proposal submitted on time
1% Storyboards submitted on time
1% Alpha Release submitted on time
1% Alpha Release Feedback submitted on time
1% Beta Release submitted on time
1% Beta Release Feedback submitted on time
2% Final Release submitted on time
1% Website & Video submitted on time
1% Final Report submitted on time
1% Team Feedback submitted on time
1% Final Presentation submitted on time
-3% Late deduction for any Deliverable that is submitted late. Team will receive 0% submission points AND Deliverable Lead will receive a 3% deduction
App Content of Final Release

5% App runs without errors
5% App accomplishes task it was designed to do. Activities, Fragments, & NavGraph used properly
5% App supported and runs properly on API 26 (Oreo) device
5% Database present and used properly
5% View Binding used properly
30% App contains three or more of necessary components. Components are used properly

3% Documentation provided with Alpha, Beta, & Final Releases.
2% Helpful feedback given on Alpha Release & Beta Release as determined by development teams.
5% Report well written, technically sound, accurate to project, well organized, documents design, and complete.
4% Website advertises your app
4% Promo video advertises your app
7% Final Presentation is of high quality, demonstrates a polished app, and sells your app while giving technical detail.

Team Evaluation


5% Feedback as provided by team members regarding contributions, effort, team player, etc.
Extra Credit

Up To 7%
3% App deployed to the Play Store and available for download. App downloads and runs without error.
Up To 4% Points awarded for number of downloads reached at presentation time. More downloads mean more points!


When you are completed with each deliverable, compile a file named


where NAME is either your name (if individual submission) or your team name (if team submission), DELIVERABLE_ID is the ID of the current deliverable, and EXT is the file type expected for the given submission. Upload this file to Canvas under the appropriate deliverable section of the Final Project.